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Revision as of 23:57, November 23, 2005 by FrJohn (talk | contribs) (Before February 2006)

Here's a list of some things I anticipate for OrthodoxWiki in the future

Soon! (before December 2005)

  • The logo contest will end on November 15th. Shortly after that, we'll need to integrate the new logo into the site, and use it as a model to create new link buttons, etc.
  • We need to revise our copyright policies in order to solve some incompatibility issues (with Wikipedia) and to better anticipate any future works.
  • We need to come up with a strategy to deal with vandalbots and an information page to help people understand what to do when an attack comes. (See OrthodoxWiki:Vandalism.)

Before February 2006

  • A new template - I'd like to see at least one new template for OrthodoxWiki, giving users a better opportunity to choose how they view the wiki.
  • It is now possible to create access-restricted namespaces. We should consider whether or not to create such a space for sysops.
  • Year-end inventory - After a year of being in service, the wiki could surely use some optimization. I am proposing a yearly review process, involving especially the Sysops, in which we go over all categories and pages, thinking about how we could better structure out wiki and considering what needs pruning. Discussion underway -- see OrthodoxWiki:Inventory.
  • With the launch of our first localized wiki ( - in Bulgarian) expected sometime around January 2006, we will need a set of explicit guidelines and helps for others who want to help launch localized editions of OrthodoxWiki. In draft stage -- See OrthodoxWiki:Localization.
  • We need to consider whether or not we want to create something like an "OrthodoxWiki Foundation" that can act as a kind of trust to steward the information on the wiki.

Longer-range Goals