The following is a list of Orthodox booksellers, which are run by jurisdictions, dioceses, seminaries, monasteries or independent retailers that cater to an Orthodox readership.
- Bishop Nikolai Bookstore
- Chrysostom Press
- Conciliar Press
- Eighth Day Books
- Holoviak's Church Supply
- Holy Cross Bookstore
- Holy Trinity Monastery Bookstore
- Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- Light & Life Publishers
- Logos - The Orthodox Bookstore (Europe)
- Orchid Land Publications
- Orthodox Books Online
- Orthodox Christian Books Ltd (UK Orthodox book distributor)
- Orthodox Christian Publications Center (OCPC)
- Orthodox Christian Recorded Books (OCRB)
- Protecting Veil Press
- Saint Nicodemos Publications
- St. Herman Press
- St. John of Kronstadt Press
- St. Nectarios Press
- St. Tikhon's Bookstore
- St. Vladimir's Seminary Press
- Gallery Byzantium