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User talk:Arbible

Revision as of 09:43, May 4, 2007 by Arbible (talk | contribs)

Welcome to my discussion page. Please post new messages to the bottom of the page and use headings when starting new discussion topics.
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سلام المسيح اخي. شكراً لفتحكم موقع ويكي بالعربي لكننا سنحتاج مشرفين في هذا القسم قبل أن نعلن للناس عنه وأنا سانقل مواضيعي للقسم العربي. أخوك حبيب


Welcome back, Arbible. My wife and I have been writing on Zeitun and other apparitions of the Holy Virgin today. These make for interesting reading! I haven't given them much consideration previously. — FrJohn (talk)

Thank you, Father. May the prayers and intercession of the Blessed Holy Virgin Mary be with us all. --Arbible

Recent quotation additions

A couple of notes regarding the recent additions you've made of quotations to various articles:

  • If it's a quote from the person that is the article's subject, you don't need to attribute it. It's assumed from context. If it's a quote about that person, then of course attribution is appropriate.
  • Including citations (the source of the quote) would be very useful, so that readers can look up the context of the quotation.

Thanks for your contributions! —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 09:40, January 5, 2006 (CST)


Thank you for the offer :) . My task was to categorise Uncategorized Quotes (which is mostly complete, but the article could do with alphabetisation); however, I would personally like to see a couple of distinctive quotes on articles of people who were influential through their writings (eg St John Chrysostom or Fr Seraphim Rose)... that being said, I probably don't have time to do that myself, but I'd enjoy it nonetheless. --— by Pιsτévο talk complaints at 08:05, May 13, 2006 (CDT)


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be hurtful my comment. I guess some of the Protestant Biblical "scholarly" evaluations in the article just seemed a bit too heterodox for me. So Clement's not in the Coptic Synaxarion? I couldn't find him online at any Chalcedonian sites, either. Which leads me to wonder: who exactly celebrates him as a saint? Any ideas? Gabriela 17:26, July 17, 2006 (CDT)

Thanks for your reply and excellent edits to the article. (That's what a wiki is meant to be-- collaborative editing and article evolution (hopefully to the better) through Darwikinism.) Clement of Alexandria doesn't have his own biographical/saint/feast day entry in our Coptic Orthodox Synaxarium. The Coptic Synaxarium mentions him (not as a saint) under the following two entries:

The Seventeenth Day of the Blessed Month of Baramoudah - The Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle Brother of St. John the Apostle:
"Clement of Alexandria, from the fathers of the second century, said: "The soldier that seized the Saint, when he saw his courage, he realized that there must be a better life and asked the Saint for his forgiveness. Then the soldier confessed Christianity and received the crown of martyrdom (Acts 12:1,2) along with the Apostle in the year 44 A.D."

The Fifteenth Day Of The Blessed Month Of Baounah - The Turning Over of the Relics of the Great St. Mark the Apostle by the hand of Pope Paul the Sixth, Pope of Rome:
"Pope of Rome, replied in an official speech in French, that he read while sitting on the throne. In it he exalted the history of the Alexandrian church, and its long struggle in the field of dogma. He also praised its heros, and its learned people such as Athanasius the apostolic, Kyrillos (Cyril) the Pillar of Faith, Pantaenus and Clement."

Clement of Alexandria is not on the present Roman Catholic calendar either (but used to be). This Anglican site says that he is on the Eastern (Orthodox) calendar (?) and on many modern revisions of the Anglican calendar.
God Bless+


Dear Arbible,

You've been around OrthodoxWiki for a long time now, and I'm grateful for your work and commitment to this site. I'd like you to become our official "Oriental Orthodox Sysop," helping us to oversee (and mediate if necessary) articles related to the non-Chalcedonian churches and suggesting ways we could build more in this direction. I'm not sure what this would mean, but maybe you could help us figure it out!

I don't expect any more of a time commitment that you've already demonstrated. Along with the Sysop role, you'd be included on the sysop email list, and have some additional powers for managin articles.

Let me know, either here or on my talk page, or directly by email if you're willing to take on this job. Thanks! — FrJohn (talk)

Dear Father,
Thanks very much. This would be a great blessing to me. I would be very happy and also privileged to be able to learn more from you all and help as much as I can.
Yours in Christ, --Arbible 16:53, August 10, 2006 (CDT)
Wonderful! In progress... Thanks, Fr. John

Stephanos of Khinolakkos

Arbible, have you obtained permission to use this content? Here's the goarch copyright notice. —magda (talk) 21:23, August 18, 2006 (CDT)

welcome message

Hello, when you welcome someone, use subst: for the {{welcome}} template. I mean, instead of placing {{welcome}} in the user talk page, place {{subst:welcome}}. This will make it more personal, and the new user, when hit "Edit this page" to reply to the message, will see a text, not an ugly template. Regards, Gregg 15:53, August 26, 2006 (CDT)

Thanks very much for the excellent tip. Will do. Yours in Christ, --Arbible 01:04, August 27, 2006 (CDT)


Thanks for the booklets, Arbible! I got home on Friday, and they were waiting for me in the mail. I look forward to reading them. — FrJohn (talk)

Glad they reached you. Thank you very much, Father. Yours in Christ, --Arbible 18:37, September 5, 2006 (CDT)

New Additions

Thanks for the quick reply. The article is my article and contribution to But I like your project and I think there should be an Orthodox wiki as well. I intend to add more monasteries from Romania. But that depends on the time I have. I also corrected the problem with the pictures and I have made them free for non-comercial use.


How would you say OrthodoxWiki in Arabic? Thanks! — FrJohn (talk)

This would be:
ارثوذكس ويكي
(pronounced (transliterated in English): Orthozox wiki)
Yours, --Arbible 08:02, November 2, 2006 (PST)
Thanks - changed the sitename setting on the Arabic version. — FrJohn (talk)
P.S. I've updated your sysop rights over there. Let me know if anything needs to be tweaked - I know, e.g. some of the special pages aren't translated. I guess that's not a super-high priority though. Maybe better just to get something on the main page, and transfer over the legal stuff. Feel free to take charge over there as much as you have time for. Thanks! — FrJohn (talk)
Thank you very much, Father. I will do my best. Yours in Christ, --Arbible 10:07, November 2, 2006 (PST)

Coptic articles

Hi I am interested in articles about theCoptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and I have been asked by Fr. Andrew talk contribs on 15:45, March 29, 2007 (PDT) to organise with you as you are one of the administrators

I have started and edited a lot of the atricles regarding this chuch on english and arabic wikipedia and I am hoping I will be able to transfer a lot of these atricles if not all to othodoxwiki if possible Looking forward to hear from you--Ghaly 16:06, March 29, 2007 (PDT)

would you agree with me that both sides call themselves orthodox the differentiation is by saying Oriental or Eastern.--Ghaly 06:49, April 13, 2007 (PDT)

Thank you!

I had to let you know that I am glad that you're here to help maintain articles regarding things Coptic. You do a good job of keeping things balanced and within the parameters of OrthodoxWiki's self-identity. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs 06:32, April 13, 2007 (PDT)

His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and what you claim against him...

My Dear Brother,

How are you? I hope you are doing well.

I am very upset because what is written about His Holiness is absolutely 100% false and you won't allow me to correct it. I know for a fact that everything written is not true. How can you allow such things to be written? I don't understand where you get such ideas. His Holiness is a strong defender of Orthodoxy and he does not believe in any of what you have kept here on this page. Please show me what are your sources and I will prove to you this is false information. His Holiness is coming to visit in 1 month and I plan on presenting him with a copy of what is written so he can clarify it and if he has time, I will ask him to discuss it with us and I will ask to record the conversation.

I really hope you understand why I am upset about this situation. I hope to hear from you soon. Please keep me in your prayers.

Above comments by User:Orthodoxy4everr
There are even more points, including Pope Shenouda's 'denial that the Holy Spirit can dwell in the faithful', and Pope Shenouda's famous 'three bodies of Christ' theory adapted from Protestant writings (in their interpretation of what we receive in the Eucharist). All these issues are fully documented and referenced from Pope Shenouda's published writings/books and audio/video lectures. I invite you to read more about the Orthodox doctrine of theosis, the Barlaamite Controversy (14th century), as well as Pope Shenouda's writings against Pope Kyrillos VI in El-Keraza magazine during the sixties of the past century. --Arbible 00:59, April 27, 2007 (PDT)

His Eminence Metropolitan Bishoy...

My Dear Brother

I realized that you also protected his page when all you are doing is hurting him, not protecting him. Everything he said was taken out of context. Please realize that it is the enemies of the Church who do such things in order to create problems. Please allow me to edit this page as well. I can't stand to see this lies written about His Holiness and Metropolitan Bishoy. They are 2 of the greatest Theologians of our time and great defenders of Orthodoxy and they are being persected a lot as Saint Athanasius the Great was.

I hope once again that you understand me. Please keep me in your prayers.

Above comments by User:Orthodoxy4everr
I am afraid what you are saying is not true! Please listen to
Yours in Christ, --Arbible 00:37, April 27, 2007 (PDT)

Try learning Arabic first, then listen to the recording. It has nothing to do with baptism! --Arbible 02:43, May 4, 2007 (PDT)

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