Holy Orthodox Church in North America

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The Holy Orthodox Church in North America or HOCNA, also known as the Panteleimonite Schism or as HTM - Boston is a schismatic organization that broke off from the ROCOR in 1986 after allegations of sexual misconduct at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, MA.


The Break with ROCOR

In January 1986, four former members of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, MA, came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against the monastery's superior, Fr Panteleimon. In response to these allegations, the Synod of Bishops of the ROCOR set up a commission to investigate HTM; the commission consisted of Archbishop Anthony of Los Angeles (of blessed memory) and then Bishop (now Archbishop) Alypy (Gamanovich) of Chicago and Detroit.

The commission presented its findings to the next meeting of the Synod, held in Mansonville, Canada. Six accusers presented testimony to the Synod. Fr Ephraim, Dean of the New England Deanery spoke in defense of Fr Panteleimon. Fr Panteleimon was questioned, denied the allegations, but agreed to be relieved of his duties as superior. On May 16/29, 1986, the Synod suspended Panteleimon and appointed Fr Isaac as temporary administrator. In a subsequent meeting of the Synod, on November 12/25, 1986, the Synod suspended both Panteleimon and Isaac, and order a commission to investigate allegations against Isaac. Fr Justin was appointed as administrator.

In December 1986, despite the decisions of the Synod, the Holy Transfiguration Monastery elected Isaac as its superior. Then, on December 12, 1986, the monastery notified Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) of New York that it was leaving ROCOR because of modernism and ecumenism.

Fr Alexey (now Hieromonk Ambrose) Young in his history of the ROCOR writes that a few weeks before the schism, Fr Panteleimon had this to say about the ROCOR:

“The Synod Church [the ROCOR] is a real standard of Orthodoxy.... Therefore, discerning where the Truth is found, we remain in unity under our bishops in the midst of many trials...because grace abides in the Synod.... We uphold our Synod primarily and foremostly as a standard of Orthodoxy. All others have betrayed the Truth. This was demonstrated of late by the election of our new Metropolitan [Vitaly]....