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Holy Synod of Milan

4 bytes added, 22:58, January 20, 2008
Today Metropolitan Evloghios remains at the helm of the Holy Synod of bishops of the Church of Milan, which comprises eight [[diocese]]s, four in Europe and four in America, as well as missionary deaneries in England, Spain and South Africa. The Milan Synod uses the [[Julian calendar]] exclusively, and "firmly resists the [[heresy|heresies]] of false [[ecumenism]] and trans-religious syncretism."[]
Since 1997 the Milan Synod includes a number of [[Western Rite]] communities, mainly in the United States, who worship according to pre-schismatic (historically Orthodox) liturgical traditions with the support of the Metropolitan and of the [[Holy Synod]] of Bishops. The principal rite of the Synod of Milan is the [[Byzantine Rite ]] of the Orthodox Church, celebrated most commonly in the Slavic style but in some parishes in the Greek style.
==Ecclesiastical status==