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Great Feasts

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The Twelve Great Feasts: rolling back redundancy re: dates; the article is about the feasts, not about how one calculates according to which calendar
Seven greats feasts in honor of our [[Lord]] [[Jesus Christ]] and five great feasts honoring the [[Theotokos]] constitute the Twelve Great Feasts.
# September 21 / [[September 8]], the [[Nativity of the Theotokos]]# September 27 / [[September 14]], the [[Elevation of the Holy Cross]]# December 4 / [[November 21]], the [[Presentation of the Theotokos]]# January 7 / [[December 25]], the [[Nativity]] of Christ (Christmas)# January 19 / [[January 6]], [[Theophany]], the Baptism of Christ# February 15 / [[February 2]], the [[Presentation]] of Christ# April 7 / [[March 25]], the [[Annunciation]]
#The Sunday before Pascha, [[Palm Sunday]]
#Forty Days after Pascha, the [[Ascension]] of Christ
#Fifty Days after Pascha, [[Pentecost]]
# August 19 / [[August 6]], the [[Transfiguration]]# August 28 / [[August 15]], the [[Dormition]] (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos
==Icons of the Twelve Great Feasts==
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