A second [[parish]] in Brisbane, Holy Annunciation Church, was formed under the rectorship of Fr. [[Gregory Malisheff]] and, following the example of the Bankstown parish, petitioned the OCA and was also quickly accepted.
In 1977, a third group, later named the Australian Orthodox Fraternity of St Michael, was formed in metropolitan Sydney for the purpose of purchasing and organising another parish, under the rectorship of Fr. [[Michael Mersher]]. In November of that year, Mr Verjbitsky contacted the Uniting Church and was offered a surplus Presbyterian church in Homebush. The building was made suitable for Orthodox worship, including an [[iconostasis]], on [[January 26]], 1978. Fr. Michael was the [[rector]] from 1978-80, Fr. [[Theodore Michaluk]] from 1980-86, Fr. Leopold in 1986, and Fr. [[Igor Chlabicz]] from 1987.
Following the repose of Archimandrite Veniamin in 1994, the Orthodox Church in America was unable to supply a replacement [[priest]] for the Bankstown parish. The parish council of St. Nicholas approached Bishop [[Gibran (Ramlawey) of Australia and New Zealand|Gibran]], then Antiochian Orthodox Bishop for Australia and New Zealand, and asked if he was able to supply a [[priest]] who could celebrate in Slavonic. Hieromonk [[Andrija Andrew (Vujisic)|Andrija (Zoran Vujisić)]] and, later, Fr. [[Nicholas Gan]] assisted on a temporary basis until Fr. [[Mitko Machevski]] commenced services at St. Nicholas on [[August 10]], 1996. The parish later formally changed jurisdictions to the [[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand]]. Fr. Mitko was appointed rector of the parish, which continues to use Church Slavonic and follow the [[Julian Calendar]].
In Brisbane, Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church found itself without a rector after Fr [[Ian Bojko]] retired in 2005. In 2009, the parish requested permission to enter the ROCOR [[Diocese of Australia and New Zealand (ROCOR)|Diocese of Australia and New Zealand]] as an English-language parish; this was accomplished by the mutual consensus of Metropolitans [[Jonah (Paffhausen) of Washington|Jonah]] and [[Hilarion (Kapral) of New York|Hilarion]] and the transfer was finalised in May 2009.