add Saints;
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[[File:Saint Hypatius of Gangra.jpg|100px|St. Hypatius the Wonderworker of Gangra]]<br>
[[File:Portaitissa.jpg|100px|veron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Panagia Portaitissa)]]<br>
[[Image:Innocent of Alaska.jpg|100px|Saint Innocent of Alaska]]
</div>[[Blessed]] [[Innocent Righteous Joseph the Fair (the All-Comely), son of Alaska|Innocent]]Jacob, Patriarch (c. 1700 BC);Saint Acacius the [[MetropolitanConfessor]] , Bishop of Moscow, Melitene in Pisidia (251);Saint [[Enlightener]] Hypatius of Gangra|Hypatius the Aleuts and [[ApostleWonderworker]] to the Americas; [, [Saint]] [[Blaise Metropolis of AmoriaGangra|BlaiseBishop of Gangra]] (Vlasios326) of Amoria;Theophilos the Martyr, and those with him, [[monk]]in Crete; Martyrs Menander and Sabinus, and another 38 relatives who were martyrs, in Hermopolis of Egypt, under [[martyrJulian the Apostate]]ed(c. 361-363); [[Saint]] Apollonius (''Apollo'') of the Thebaid, [[Stephen the Wonder-workerascetic]](4th century);Hieromartyrs Abdas, monk; appearance Bishop of Hormizd-Ardashir, and the Iberian Deacon Benjamin, of Persia (Iveronc. 424) (''see also [[IconMay 16]] of the Most Holy and [[TheotokosMarch 12]]''); repose Venerable Hypatius, Abbot of Saint Rufinus in Chalcedon (446);Venerable Blaise of Amorium and [[Jonas of Moscow|JonasMount Athos]] (c. 909);Venerable Stephen the Metropolitan Wonderworker, ascetic;Saint Balbina of Moscow Rome (or Kievc. 130) ;Martyrs Theodulus, Anesius, Felix, Cornelia and All RussiaCompanions, in North Africa; Saint Hypatius the [[WonderRenovatus, Abbot of Cauliana in Lusitania, then Bishop of Merida in Spain for twenty-worker]] and Bishop two years (c. 633);Saint Aldo, Abbot of GangraHasnon Abbey in Belgium (8th century);Saint Guy (''Guido'') (1046); [[Venerable]] Hypatius the Healer , of the [[Monastery of the Kiev Caves|Kiev Caves]]Monastery (14th century); Venerable ApolloniusSaint Ivan I of Moscow (''John I Daniilovich Kalita''), Prince of Moscow from 1325 and Grand Prince of Vladimir from 1328 (1340);Saint [[AsceticJonah of Moscow]], Metropolitan of the Thebaid in Egypt; Martyrs Abdas the Bishop of Persia and Benjamin the [[Deacon]]Kiev, Moscow, with nine companions and many others of Persiaall Russia (1461); Venerable Hypatius the Saint Philaret, Abbot of Rufinus in ChalcedonGlinsk Hermitage (1841); Saint Acacius the [[ConfessorInnocent of Alaska|Innocent]], Bishop Metropolitan of MeliteneMoscow, Armenia; [[RighteousEnlightener]] Joseph of Siberia and Alaska (1879);Saint Arseny Richynsky the FairPhysician of Volyn, New Confessor and Wonderworker (1956);New Hieromartyr John Blyumovich, son of JacobPriest (1938); Martyr Menander. '''Other EventsCommemorations:''' Translation Appearance of the [[relicsPanagia Portaitissa|Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos]] , on Mt. Athos ("Panagia Portaitissa" or "Gate-Keeper") (late 10th century) (''see also [[February 12]]'');Repose of Aldhelm, Archbishop [[BishopAverky (Taushev) of Syracuse|Averky (Taushev) of Syracuse and Holy Trinity Monastery]] (1976)Repose of SherborneArchimandrite [[Thaddeus (Strabulovich) of Vitovnica]] Monastery (''Tadej Štrbulović''), Serbia (2003). <noinclude>[[Category:Calendar day templates|March 31]]</noinclude>