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Timeline of Church History (Nicene Era (325-451))

124 bytes added, 02:41, January 25, 2011
Nicene era (325-451): 350
*347 [[Council of Sardica]].
*348 Death of [[Pachomius the Great]]; death of [[Spyridon of Trimythous]]; death of [[w:Abraham of Arbela|Abramius of Arbela]], Bp. of Arbela in Assyria, tortured and later beheaded under Shapur II.
*350 Bp. [[Jacob of Nisibis]] protected the city of Nisibis by his prayers during the Persian siege of [[w:Shapur II|Sapor II]]; [[Ninian]] establishes the church Candida Casa at Whithorn in Galloway, Scotland, beginning the missionary effort to the Picts.
*351 Apparition of the Sign of the [[Cross]] over Jerusalem.
*354 [[w:Theophilos the Indian|Theophilos the Indian]] was sent by Emperor [[w:Constantius II|Constantius II]] on a mission to south Asia via Arabia, where he is said to have converted the [[w:Himyarite Kingdom|Himyarites]] and built three churches in southwest Arabia; he is also said to have found Christians in India, along the [[w:Malabar Coast|Malabar Coast]], as recorded by the [[w:Anomoeanism|Anomoean]] (Arian) Church historian [[w:Philostorgius|Philostorgius]].

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