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Post-Communist era (1991-Present)
*1998 [[Church of Constantinople]], not recognizing Russia's right to issue a [[tomos]] of [[autocephaly]] in 1951, issues its own tomos for the [[Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia]]; [ Thessaloniki Summit] held to discuss Orthodox participation in [[w:World Council of Churches|WCC]]; uncovering of the relics of [[Ambrose of Optina|Ambrose]] of [[Optina Monastery|Optina]]; Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission issues statement "Salvation: Grace, Justification and Synergy"; the [[w:Archbishop of Canterbury|Archbishop of Canterbury]] and [[w:Old_Catholic_Church_of_the_Netherlands#Old_Catholic_Archbishops_of_Utrecht|Archbishop of Utrecht]] established the Anglican-Old Catholic International Coordinating Council in order to stimulate contact and cooperation in the spirit of the Bonn Agreement of 1931; [[w:International Religious Freedom Act of 1998|International Religious Freedom Act]] is passed in the US to promote religious freedom as a foreign policy of the United States, and to advocate on the behalf of the individuals viewed as persecuted in foreign countries on the account of religion.
*1999 Numerous Serbian Orthodox sites in Kosovo and Metohia destroyed and desecrated during NATO peacekeeping presence; Lutheran World Federation and [[Roman Catholic Church]] sign [[w:Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification |Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification]], one of the most significant agreements since the Reformation, also adopted unanimously later in 2006 by members of the World Methodist Council.
*2000 Orthodox-Roman Catholic Joint Theological Commission meets in Baltimore, discusses text on "The Ecclesiological and Canonical Implications of Uniatism," but is suspended; Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission issues statement "Word and Sacraments (Mysteria) in the Life of the Church"; [[Church of Russia|Russian Orthodox Church]] announces the [[glorification|canonization]] of Tsar [[Nicholas II of Russia]] and his immediate family; government of Greece orders removal of religious affiliation from state identity cards; the restored [[Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Moscow)|Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow]] was consecrated on [[August 19]]; Church of Russia glorified Hieromartyr [[Andronik of Perm|Andronik, Archbishop of Perm]], one of Russia's New Martyrs and Confessors(+1918). Church of Russia canonizes Hieromartyr Bp. [[Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) of Dimitrov]] (+1937).
*2001 Pope John Paul II of Rome [[Fourth Crusade#Papal Apology to Orthodox Church|apologizes to Orthodox Church]] for Fourth Crusade; [[Church of Alexandria|Chalcedonian]] and [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)|Non-Chalcedonian]] Patriarchates of Alexandria agree to mutually recognize baptisms and marriages performed in each other's churches.
*2002 Patr. [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople]] and Pope [[John Paul II]] co-sign Venice Declaration of Environmental Ethics; Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission issues statement "Mysteria/Sacraments as Means of Salvation;" [[Church of Georgia]] glorifies [[Melchizedek I of Georgia]] (+1033).

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