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Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) of Simferopol and Crimea

694 bytes added, 05:29, October 31, 2008
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[[Image:LukeSimferopol|right|thumbnail]]Saint '''Luke ''(Voyno-Yasenetsky)'', Archbishop Bishop of Simferopol, : the Blessed Surgeon''', born ''KerV.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky'', [[April 14]], 1877 and died in Simferopol of Crimea [[June 11]], 1961. While he was serving the church as an archbishop, he was also practising as a surgeon and taught and published many books and articles on regional anesthesia and surgery. He is now known to be a world-famous pioneering surgeon and is commemorated by the church ...
Living in the Ukraine during the oppressive period of communism, St. Luke stood out among his fellow physicians both as a surgeon and as a Christian. Even the communists coveted his talents for healing the body. Yet after his consecration as a Bishop he was arrested and tortured for his unwillingness to deny his faith in Christ. He wore his bishop's cassock in the operating room and refused to perform surgery without an icon. Through all of this St. Luke remained faithful to God to the end of his earthly life (+1961).
The relics of St. Luke are kept at Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral, Holy Trinity Convent of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese.
* tortured confessor, who was exiled and tortured multiple times and suffered under the Soviets, is today a miracle-worker in the Orthodox church.

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