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Apostle Sosthenes

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WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMSThe holy, glorious, all-laudable '''Apostle Sosthenes''' is one of the [[Apostles#The_Seventy|Seventy Apostles]], and was a [[bishop]] in either Caesarea or Colophon in Asia Minor. He is commemorated by the Church on [[January 4]] with the Seventy; on [[March 30]] with Apostles [[Apostle Apollo|Apollos]], [[Apostle Cephas|Cephas]], [[Apostle Caesar|Caesar]], and [[Apostle Epaphroditus|Epaphroditus]] of the Seventy; and on [[December 8]] with Ss. Apollos, Cephas, [[Apostle Tychicus|Tychicus]], Epaphroditus, Caesar, and [[Apostle Onesiphorus|Onesiphorus]]. ==Life==St. Sosthenes was head of the Jewish synagogue at Corinth before his [[conversion]] to Christianity (cf. [[Acts of the Apostles|Acts]] 18:17). He suffered a beating during a riot against the [[Apostle Paul]]. St. Paul converted him to Christianity.  In addressing the Corinthian church ([[I Corinthians]] 1:1), St. Paul sent greetings from both of them: "Paul, by the will of God called to be an apostle of [[Jesus Christ]], and brother Sosthenes..." He departed peacefully to the Lord.  ==Hymns==[[Troparion]] ([[Tone]] 3) []:Holy apostle Sosthenes of the Seventy;:Entreat the merciful;:To grant our souls forgiveness of transgressions. [[Kontakion]] (Tone 4) []:The Church ever sees you as a shining star, O apostle Sosthenes,:Your [[miracle]]s have manifested great enlightenment.:Therefore we cry out to [[Christ]]::"Save those who with faith honor Your apostle, O Most Merciful One." ==External links==*[ The Synaxis of the Holy Seventy Apostles] Chrysostom Press*[ Apostle Sosthenes of the Seventy], January 4 ([[OCA]])*[ Apostle Sosthenes of the Seventy], March 30 (OCA)*[ Apostle Sosthenes of the Seventy], December 8 (OCA)*[ The Holy Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Onesiphorus, Cephas and Caesar] (''[[Prologue of Ohrid]]'') [[Category:Biblical Saints|Sosthenes]][[Category:Bishops|Sosthenes]] [[Category:Saints|Sosthenes]] [[ro:Apostolul Sostene]]

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