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Western Rite

130 bytes added, 17:27, February 14, 2008
It should also be noted that there are a number of groups who follow various Western rites, so-called, and may call themselves Orthodox but are not part of or in communion with the historic [[Orthodox Church]].
The [[Orthodox Church of France]] was once cared for by St. [[John Maximovitch]] and later by the [[Church of Romania]]—also uses a Western Rite liturgy based on ancient Gallican liturgical materials, with some Byzantine supplements. The Orthodox Church of France currently functions as an independent body, and is not recognized by nor in communion with any of the Orthodox Churches recognized by nor in communion with the ancient patriarchatesany [ autocephalous or autonomous Orthodox Church].
 In addition, the [[Holy Synod of Milan]], an [[Old Calendarist]] group, has a number of communities (including one monastery, in the United States, in West Milford, New Jersey, the Abbey of the Holy Name) which worship according to Western rites, including a restored [[Sarum Rite]], which differs significantly from that used in ROCOR. Neither is it recognized by nor in communion with any [[ autocephalous or autonomous Orthodox Church]].

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