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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

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[[Image:Logo of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.jpg|thumb|left|Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia]]
== Online Greek Orthodox Typikon ==
For ready to use and viewable Typikon services, is a recognised online Greek Orthodox Typikon provider with ready to download Typikon services that are put together by an experienced and well educated team of Greek Orthodox Chanters. This fast and easy internet service provides Greek Orthodox Chanters and Church goers alike the opportunity to follow any Greek Orthodox service with an in depth and 100% accurate outline of the Typikon for that particular feast day.
Our team of Greek Orthodox Chanters are highly skilled professionals who work together to produce uncanny results resulting from many years of experience.
As chanter's we know how invaluable this source of material is. Each Typikon has been carefully assembled to provide the Greek Orthodox Chanter a clear and precise outline of the days’ service from start to finish in a flawless and straightforward manner.
• Minimise stress of finding chants at the last minute • Minimise space on the analogion • Minimise search time through the endless books a chanter has at his disposal
To be able to have one single Typikon document outlining the days’ service in an easy to read and straightforward format better helps the Greek Orthodox Chanter prepare himself before each and every piece mentally and spiritually.
== Recent History ==
In early February 2006 the new parish of St. Therapon in Warhoonga, in the northern suburbs of Sydney, celebrated their first Divine Liturgy.

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