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Hilarion (Rudnyk) of Edmonton

1 byte removed, 21:41, September 13, 2018
Roman Rudnyk was born on [[February 14]], 1972, in Lvov Lviv in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. He received his elementary and secondary education in the schools of the USSR before continuing a theological education at the [[Kiev Theological Academy|Kiev Theological Seminary]], graduating in 1992. With the recommendation of [[Archbishop]] [[Vsevolod (Maidansky) of Scopelos]] and blessing of Ecumenical [[Patriarch]] [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople]], Roman then moved to Greece to continue his theological studies at the theological faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, from which he graduated in 1997.
On [[December 5]], 1997, Roman was [[tonsure]]d a [[monk]] and given the name Hilarion (Ilarion). On [[December 21]], Hilarion was [[ordination|ordained]] a [[deacon]] by [[Metropolitan]] Panteleimon of Tyroloe and Serention, [[abbot]] of the Monastery of Vlatadon in Thessalonica, who also ordained Dcn. Hilarion to the [[priest]]hood three years later. [[Hieromonk]] Hilarion continued his theological education, receiving a Master's degree in [[Canon law|canon law]]. In 2002, Fr. Hilarion was assigned to a [[parish]] in Porto, Portugal.
years=2008 - Present|
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