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Template:March 2

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[[Image:Arsenius of Tver.jpg|100px|St. Arsenius of Tver]]
</div> Hieromartyrs Nestor the Bishop, and Tribiminus the Deacon, at Perge in Pamphylia (ca. 250);Martyr Troadius of Neo-Caesarea, and those with him (251);Virgin-martyr Euthalia of Sicily (252);Saint Cointus of Phrygia (''Quintus of Phrygia''), [[HieromartyrConfessor]] and [[Theodotus of Cyrenia|TheodotusWonder-worker]](283);Martyr Hesychius the Senator (the Palatine), of Antioch (ca. 304) (''see also [[BishopMay 10]] of Cyrenia''); [[VirginHiero-martyr]] Confessor [[Euthalia Theodotus of SicilyCyrenia|Theodotus]], Bishop of Cyrenia in Cyprus (ca. 326); Venerable Saints Andronicus and the Athanasia (5th century) (''see also [[MartyrOctober 9]]s Troadius'');Saint Agathon of Egypt, monk (5th century);Martyrs of Rome, a large number of martyrs martyred in Rome under Alexander Severus and the prefect Ulpian (219);Saints Jovinus and Basileus, two martyrs who suffered in Rome under Gallienus and Valerian, buried on the Latin Way (258);Saints Paul, HilarionHeraclius, Secundilla and Quadratus Januaria, martyrs who suffered under Diocletian at Porto Romano at the mouth of Neothe Tiber in Italy (305);Saint Gistilian (''Gistlian''), uncle of St David and a monk at Menevia, or St Davids, in Wales (5th-6th centuries);Saint Joavan, a Romano-CaesareaBriton who went to Brittany to live with his uncle St Paul of Léon, by whom he was consecrated bishop (ca. 570);440 Martyrs slain by the Lombards in Italy (''Martyrs of Campania'') (ca. 579);Saint Fergna, called 'the White', a relative and disciple of St Columba of Ireland, Abbot of Iona (637); Saint [[VenerableChad of Lichfield|Chad]] [[Agatho (''Ceadda''), Bishop of Lichfield (England) (672);Saint Cynibil (''Cynibild''), a brother of Sts Chad and Cedd who helped enlighten England (7th century);Saint Willeic, a disciple of St Swithbert who made him Abbot of Egypt]]Kaiserwerth in Germany (726);Saint Slebhene (''Sléibíne mac Congaile''), a monk from Ireland, he became [[monkAbbot of Iona]]; 400 Martyrs slain by the Lombards in SicilyScotland (767); Saint Venerable [[Arsenius of Tver|Arsenius]], Bishop of Tver(1409); Venerable Barsanuphius and SabbasArethas the Recluse, Bishop, monk at the [[abbotKiev Caves]]Lavra (1409) (''see also [[October 24]s ]'')'Venerable Sabbatius, monk of Tver(1434), and his disciple St. Euphrosynus (1460); Venerable SabbatiusBarsanuphius (1459) and Sabbas (1467), monk abbots of Tver; Venerable EuphrosynusAbramios of Spassk, disciple of Sabbatius the monastery of Christ the Saviour, Russia (16th century);New Martyr Theodore Sladić of TverKomogovina (1788); [[Saint]] [[Chad Venerable Joachim (Papoulakis) of Lichfield|Chad]]Ithaca, Bishop monk of Lichfield Vatopedi (Mt. Athos) and his brother CynibilIthaca (1868); Martyr [[Hesychius Saint Ambrose (Khelaia) the Senator]]; Saint Cointus Confessor, Catholicos-Patriarch of Phrygia, All Georgia (1927) (''see also [[ConfessorMarch 16]] and [[Wonder-workerMarch 27]]; Martyrs Andronicus and the virgin Athanasia; Fr. '')Saint [[Papa-Nicholas (Planas)]] of Athens; Hieromartyr Athenodoros the Bishop; Saint Joseph; repose |Nicholas Planas of Athens]] (1932) (''see also [[AbbessFebruary 17]] [['')'''Other Commemorations:'''Repose of Abbess Philareta of Ufa]](1890); appearance Appearance of the [[Kolomna Kolomenskoye “Reigning” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos]]; Slebhin, [[Abbot]] of Iona(1917). <noinclude>[[Category:Calendar day templates|March 02]]</noinclude>

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