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The great springtime of [[Israel]] occurred when God liberated His people from the Egyptian yoke by a series of providential interventions, the most striking of which is expressed in the tenth plague: the killing of the first-born of the Egyptians.<ref>Exodus 11:5; 12:12,29 ff.</ref> To this event, tradition later joined the offering of the first-born of the flock and the redeeming of the first-born Israelite.<ref>13:1f.,11-15; Numbers 3:13; 8:17.</ref> But this parallel comparison remains secondary. What matters is that the Passover coincides with the deliverance of the Israelites: it became the memorial of the [[Exodus]], the greatest event of their history. It recalled that [[God]] had struck Egypt and spared His faithful.<ref>12:26f.; 13:8 ff.</ref> From now on such will be the meaning of the Passover and the new meaning of its name.
''Pasch'' is the equivalent of the Greek ''' ''[[Pascha]]'' ''', derived from the [[Aramaic]] ''Pasha'' and the Hebrew ''Pesah''. The origin of this name is disputed. Some give it a foreign etymology, Assyrian (''pasahu'', to appease) or Egyptian (''pa-sh'', the remembrance; ''pe-sah'', the blow); but none of these hypotheses is compelling. The Bible associates ''pesah'' with the verb ''pasah,'' which mean either to limp, or perform a ritual dance around a sacrifice,<ref>1 Kings 18:21,26.</ref> or figuratively, ''' "to jump", "to pass", "to spare"'''. The Passover is the ''Passage'' of Yahweh who ''passed over'' the Israelite houses while He struck those of the Egyptians.<ref>Exodus 12:13,23,27; Isaiah 31:5.</ref>
===Passover and Unleavened Bread===
==The Christian Passover==
===The Sunday Passover===
Crucified on the eve of a [[Sabbath]] day,<ref>Mark 15:42; John 19:31.</ref> Jesus arose on the day after this same Sabbath; the first day of the week.<ref>Mark 16:2.</ref> It is also on the first day that the apostles find their arisen Lord in the course of a meal which is a new version ofthe of the supper.<ref>Luke 24:30,42; Mark 16:14; John 20:19-26; 21:1-14; Acts 1:4.</ref> And so, on the first day of the week the assembled Christians are going to join together for the breaking of the bread.<ref>Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2.</ref> This day would soon receive a new name: the [[Lord's Day|Day of the Lord]], ''Dies Domini'', [[Sunday]].<ref>[[Book of Revelation|Apocalypse]] 1:10.</ref> It recalls to Christians the [[Resurrection]] of [[Christ]], unites them to Him in His [[Eucharist]], turns them toward the hope of His parousia.<ref>1 Corinthians 11:26.</ref>
===The Annual Passover===

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