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Gospel of Mark

610 bytes added, 09:37, August 2, 2011
It was written mainly for a Roman audience.
== Background ==According to some Church Fathers, Mark is writing for the Christian community of Rome, which either was experiencing the great persecution by Nero (beginning in AD 64) or was caught up in the apocalyptic fervor occasioned by the Jewish war. Mark tells the story of Jesus so readers may see their own suffering as a prelude to the glorious Second Coming of Jesus and may discern the reward of those who endure to the end. == Major Theme ==The major theme is Jesus Christ as Servant and Sacrifice. Other sub-themes include: # The suffering Messiah.# The messianic secrete# Discipleship. ==Contents==
Mark is most brief of the gospels which centers around the main them of Jesus Christ as the Servant and Sacrifice.
The Suffering of the Messiah (8:27-33) Being rejected by the elders and chief priests and the passion [crucifixion] of Jesus Christ. This suffering was analogous for his immediate disciples who say as their Messiah tribulations.

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