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John (Pommers) of Riga

167 bytes added, 00:13, August 21, 2010
Homilies and Writings of St. John (translated)
In addition to those [[relics]] of St. John which remain in the keeping of the Latvian Orthodox Church, relics of the saint were also laid in the [[altar]] of the Dormition church in Beijing, China, which was consecrated on [[October 13]], 2009 and is located on the grounds of the old [[Russian Orthodox Mission in China]].
==Homilies and Writings of St. John (translated)==*[ "The Inevitability of Suffering"(English translation)]*[ "Pray for the Reposed!"(English translation)]*[ "A New Place"(English translation)]*[ "Новое Место" (Russian)]
==Predecessors and Successors in the Episcopate==

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