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Timeline of Church History

63 bytes added, 00:20, November 8, 2008
Byzantine era (451-843): 537
*534 Roman Empire destroys the Arian kingdom of Vandals; Malta becomes Byzantine province.
*536 [[Mennas of Constantinople]] summons a synod anathematizing [[Severus of Antioch]].
*537 Construction of [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] in Constantinople completed; Justinian decrees that all dates must include the [[Indiction]].
*539 [[Ravenna (Italy)|Ravenna]] becomes exarchate of the [[Byzantine Empire]].
*541 [[Jacob Baradeus]] organizes the [[Oriental Orthodox|Non-Chalcedonian Church]] in western Syria (the "Jacobites"), which spreads to Armenia and Egypt.
*838 Caliph al-Mu'tasim captures and destroys Ammoria in Anatolia.
*ca. 839 First [[w:Paphlagonian expedition of the Rus|Rus'-Byzantine War]], where the Rus attacked Propontis (probably aiming for Constantinople) before turning east and raiding Paphlagonia.
==Late Byzantine era (843-1453)==
*843 [[Triumph of Orthodoxy]] occurs on first Sunday of [[Great Lent]], restoring [[iconography|icons]] to churches.

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