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6 bytes added, 10:19, August 25, 2008
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Bogomils, adherents of Bogomilism, were followers of an Orthodox Cleric, likely a priest, from Bulgaria by the name of Bogomil (Gr. ''Theophylus'')in about active around 950 A.D.
Their doctrine most resembles Armenian Paulicianism and earlier Gnostic sects in its insistence upon Dualism. In its Christian form Gnosticism tended to insist upon an "appearance" of flesh for Christ since "true flesh" would be a hindrance to his work of Salvation rather than an aid.
The earliest record of Bogomilian believes comes from a work entitled, ''Against the Newly-Appeared Heresy of the Bogomils'' written in Staro-Slav by St. Kozma in the 10th century. The 12th century author Euthymius Zigabenus, in a similar work claimed that the Bogomils believed man's soul to have been created by God, but that all matter was invented by Satan, the elder son of God. As a consequence of their belief that the grace of God could not adhere to flesh / matter the Bogomils believe that Christ had only the semblance of a human body. They also reject the Eucharist and other sacraments, as well as relics... on the basis of their ties to physical nature. They also practiced a very austere asceticism, vegetarianism and celibacy like the Cathari and Albigensians due to their hatred of their own fleshly bodies.

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