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196 bytes added, 00:15, April 23, 2008
== Gallery ==
Image:PatmosVPatmosRamp.JPG|View Monastery of Patmos from the Apocalypse - Outside the Cave of the Apocalypse (Patmos)Image:Patmos.JPG|Monastery of the Apocalypse - Inside the Cave Image:PatmosV.JPG|Monastery of the Apocalypse (- View of Patmos)from inside the CaveImage:PatmosPr.JPG|Monastery of St. John the Apocalypse Theologian - Monk praying with prayer ropeImage:PatmosCY.JPG|Monastery of St. John the Theologian - Courtyard outside the Museum and churchImage:PatmosBell.JPG|Monastery of St. John the Theologian - Byzantine Bell at the top of monastery
Image:JohnTheologian.JPG|Ancient Icon of St. John the Theologian
Image:PatmosBell.JPG|Byzantine Bell at the top of the Monastery of St. John the Theologian

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