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Template:May 16

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<div style="float:right;margin-left:1em">
[[ImageFile:Pantokrator Brendan.jpg|100px|Saint Brendan the Voyager]]<br>[[File:Venerable Matthew of SinaiYaransk.jpg|100px|Our Lord Jesus ChristVenerable Matthew of Yaransk the Wonderworker]]<br>[[File:Vukasin of Klepci.jpg|100px|New-Martyr Vukasin of Klepci]]</div> Hieromartyr [[Alexander of Jerusalem|Alexander]], [[Archbishop]] of Jerusalem (251) (see also [[December 12]]);SaintPapylinus the Martyr (Papelinos);Martyrs Bachtisius (Dachthisoes), Isaac and Symeon of Persia (339) (see also [[May 18]] - Slavonic);Saint Theodore the Sanctifiedof Tabennisi, [[disciple]] of Saint Pachomios the Great (367);Martyrs Abda (Audas) and Abdjesus (Audiesus) the Bishops, with Benjamin and 38 other martyrs at [[Venerablew:Kashkar (East Syrian Diocese)|Beth-Kashkar]] in the Persian Empire, under [[Pachomius the Greatw:Ardashir II|Ardashir II]](375) including: 16 priests, 9 deacons, 6 monks, and 7 unnamed virgins; Venerable EphraimSaint Neadius (Neadios), Bishop and [[AbbotWonderworker]] ;Saint Bardas, founder of the monastery of the Forerunner in Petra, Constantinople (5th-6th c.);Martyrdom of Perekosthe 44 Holy Sabaite fathers, monk-martyrs of the [[Wonder-workerHoly Lavra of St. Savas (Jerusalem)|Great Lavra of St. Sabbas the Sanctified]], massacred by the Saracens ([[w:Blemmyes|Blemmyes]]) (610 or 614) (see also [[March 20]] of Novgorod); Blessed child Musa Martyr Peter of RomeBlachernae; Saint George[[Thomas I of Jerusalem]], [[BishopList of Patriarchs of Jerusalem|Patriarch of Jerusalem]] (820);Saint George of [[Metropolis of Mytiline|Mitylene]], Bishop (821 or 842); Saint [[MartyrNicholas I Mystikus of Constantinople|Nicholas Mystikos]] Abdiesus , Patriarch of Constantinople (925);Saint Fort (Fort de Bordeaux), first Bishop of Bordeaux in France, venerated as a martyr (ca. 1st c.?);Saint Peregrinus, Bishop of Terni (138);Hieromrtyr Peregrine of Auxerre, first bishop of Auxerre and the builder of its first cathedral (261 or Avda304);Martyrs Felix and Gennadius, at Uzalis in Africa;Martyrs Vitus (Guy), Modestus, and Crescentia at Lucania (ca. 303);Saint Hilary, Bishopof Pavia, one of the bishops in the north of Italy who fought against Arianism (376);Saint Possidius, Bishop of Calama in Numidia in North Africa, friend of Saint Augustine of Hippo (c.370-c.440);Saint Primael, ascetic, from Britain, he went to Brittany and 38 companionsbecame a hermit near Quimper (ca.450);Blessed child-saint Musa of Rome (5th c.);Saint Carantac (Carantog, Caimach, Carnath), Welsh prince who aided St Patrick in Persiathe enlightenment of Ireland (5th c.);Saint Fidolus (Phal), Abbot at [[w:Isle-Aumont|Isle-Aumont]], south of Troyes (ca.540-549); Martyr Peter Saint Germerius, Bishop of BlachernaeToulouse in France for fifty years (560); Saint [[Nicholas of ConstantinopleBrendan the Voyager|NicholasBrendan the Navigator]] the , [[MysticAbbot]]of Clonfert (ca.577);Saint Domnolus, Bishop of Le Mans (581);Saint [[Patriarchw:Carantoc|Carantoc]] of ConstantinopleCarhampton, an Abbot who founded the church of Llangrannog in Wales (6th c.); Martyrs VitusSaint Honoratus of Amiens, Modestusthe seventh bishop of Amiens (ca.600);Saint Annobert (Alnobert), and Crescentia a monk at Lucania[[w:Almenêches|Almenêches]], consecrated Bishop of Séez in France (ca.689); New-Martyr Nicholas of MetsovSaint Franchy (Francovæcus), a monk at St Martin de la Bretonnière in France, whose later a hermit in the [[relicsw:Nivernais|Nivernais]] are at Meteora(Diocese of Nevers) (7th c.); Saints Cassian (1537) and Laurence(1548), disciples of Venerable Cornelius of Komel (May 19), [[Abbot]]s of Komel ("Korneliev" Monastery), Vologda;New Hieromartyr Teodor (Nestorović) of Vršac, Bishop of Vršac in Banat, Serbia (1595); Saint New-Martyr Nicholas of [[Alexander of Jerusalemw:Metsovo|AlexanderMetsovo]], at Trikala, whose [[relics]] are at [[Meteora]] (1617);[[ArchbishopVenerable]] Hieromonk [[Matthew of Jerusalem; Saint Euphemia near Neaorion; Holy Fathers Yaransk]] the [[Wonderworker]] (1927) (see also [[October 8]] - Synaxis of St. Savvas Lavra, who were killed by the Blemmyers; Saint Theodore Saints of Vrsac, SerbiaVyatka); New-martyr Martyr [[Vukasin of Klepci]], Serbia, under the Ustashi terrorists (1941); '''Other Commemorations''':Foundation of the church of Saint [[Brendan Euphemia the Great Martyr|Euphemia]], near the Voyager[[w:Neorion (ancient Greece)|Neorion]] (or Navigatorport facilities), by the [[w:Dolmabahçe Palace|Dolmabahçe Palace]] of Constantinople; Translation of the relics (1545) of Saint Carantoc Ephraim, Abbot of Carhampton; Martyr Papelinos; Martyrs Symeon[[w:Perekop|Perekop]], Isaac, and Dachthisoes [[Wonderworker]] of Persia[[Novgorod]] (1492) (see [[September 26]]); Commemoration of Saint [[HieromartyrMacarius Notaras of Corinth]] Peregrine(1805) in the village of Myloi, Bishop [[Metropolis of AuxerreSamos and Ikaria|Samos island]] (see [[April 17]]). <noinclude>[[Category:Calendar day templates|May 16]]</noinclude>

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