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Sign of the Cross

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rv -- This information needs to be incorporated into the article in a section on the Old Believers rather than simply copied into the text without regard to formatting.
* [ The Fathers on the Sign of the Cross] (Traditional Catholic)
* [ On making the Sign of The Cross]([[Old Believers]])
* [ Sign of The Cross]([[Old Believers]])
[[Category:Church Life]]
[[ro:Semnul crucii]]
Stoglov(One hundred Chapters) of 1551, CHAP. 31: The sign of the cross must be made according to the rules, in the form of a cross; and the right hand, that is, the dextral hand, must be used in crossing oneself, with the thumb and the two lower fingers joined together, and the extended index finger joined to the middle finger, slightly bent; thus should prelates [and] priests give their blessing and thus should men cross themselves. . . . It befits all Orthodox Christians to hold their hand thus, and to make the sign of the cross upon their face with two fingers, and to bow, as we said before. If anyone should fail to give his blessing with two fingers, as Christ did, or should fail to make the sign of the cross with two fingers, may he be accursed. . .
The Psalter printed under the Patriarchate of Patriach Joseph of Moscow
Blessed Theodoret
Patriarch Germogen(Who was starved to death by Catholic authorities during the Polish invasion of Russia in 1612)
Canon Six of the 318 holy Fathers("Let the ancient customs prevail, those of Egypt,…” )
Archpriest Avvakum
Timothy Ware
The oldest icons confirm the correct practice.
St. Anna Kashinsky
The Book of Answers, by Barbara Berliner
Saint Bede: “The antichrists, the heretics, though they invoke the name of Christ and make the sign of the Cross, they are nevertheless of the world; they savor worldly things” [Commentary on 1 John, 202]
Shadow of Antichrist by David Scheffel
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