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Daily Cycle

16 bytes added, 21:36, March 25, 2005
== Services ==
The cycle follows this pattern: [[Vespers]], [[Compline]], [[Midnight Office]], [[Orthros]](or [[Matins]]), [[First Hour]], [[Third Hour]], [[Sixth Hour]], and [[Ninth Hour]]. Monasteries generally serve the entire cycle of services. Some cathedrals do, as well. Most parishes do not.
The [[Divine Liturgy]] is not itself a part of the Daily Cycle but is inserted into the cycle, usually after Orthros or the Sixth Hour. In some cases it is combined with [[Vespers#Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts|Vespers]]. The service of [[Typika]] is related to the Divine Liturgy and is often celebrated on days the Divine Liturgy is not appointed.
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