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Vladimir of St. Julius Island

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{{Template:Old Calendar}}[[File:Vladyka.JPG|right|thumb|215px200px]]
'''Vladimir''' ({{ru icon}} ''Владимир Епископ Святаго Джулий''; {{el icon}} '''Βλαντιμίρ, Επίσκοπος της Πόλεως Αγίου Ιουλίου της Αίγινας''' is the Bishop of [[w:Isola San Giulio|St. Julius Island]], in [[w:Orta San Giulio|Orta San Giulio]], of the [[Holy Synod of Milan]].<ref name=MILANSYNOD>[ Arcidiocesi Ortodossa di Milano e di Longobardia: METROPOLIA DI AQUILEIA E DELL'EUROPA OCCIDENTALE – OFFICIAL Website: Holy Synod]. Retrieved: 2013-08-14.</ref>
[[File:vigile.jpg|thumb|Archbishop Vigil of Paris with Patriarch Volodimir in Kiev]]
He is an Archeologist by background, having studied the History of Classical Antiquity, Archeology, Byzantine History and History of the Church. He wrote his dissertation in Byzantine Canon and Civil Law at the Institute of Byzantine History (DAFIST) at a prestigious Italian university
Metropolita Evloghios consecrated Vladika Vladimir as bishop of St. Julius Island with Archbishop Vigile of Paris and Bishop Vassilij of Osta.
[[File:vigile2.jpg|thumb|right|Metropolitan Evloghios, Archbishop Lazar, Archbishop Vigile and Metropolitan Filaret in Kiev for the funeral service of Patriarch Volodymir']]
[[File:vigile.jpg|left|thumb|175px|Archbishop Vigil of Paris with Patriarch Volodimir in Kiev]]
He was consecrated [[bishop]] on 6 December o.s./19 December n.s. 1995, Feast of St. Nicholas in the Cathedral of [[Milan]], by Archbishop Evloghij, Archbishop Vigil of Paris and [[Bishop Vassilij of Ostia]] under the [[jurisdiction]] of the [[Autonomous Orthodox Church of Milan, Western Europe and Canada]] - [[Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate]]. [[Archbishop]] [[Lazar (Puhalo) of Ottawa]], who knew him in [[w:Kiev|Kiev]], sent as member of the [[Holy Synod]] of [[Autonomous Orthodox Church of Milan, Western Europe and Canada]] ([[Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate]]) his agreement for the consecration. Vladyka Vladimir was in the same Holy Synod with Vladyka [[Lazar (Puhalo) of Ottawa]] and Vladyka [[Varlaam (Novakshonoff) of Vancouver]], consecrated by Metropolitan Evloghios under his Omophor as the Head of the [[Autonomous Orthodox Church of Milan, Western Europe and Canada]] - [[Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate]] on 19 September / 2 October 1994 (See the Grammata at the end of the page []).
He is a member of the [[Synod of Milan]] and is the head of the "Department of [[Liturgy]]" and of the "Department of [[Canon Law]]".
[[File:Sangiulio.JPG|right|thumb|'''Saint Julius Island''']]
Vladyka Vladimir is responsible for the Holy Synod of Milan's review of academic books of Eastern Canon Law and Byzantine History
'''Saint Julius Island'''

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