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Alypy (Gamanovich) of Chicago

1 byte added, 13:42, May 26, 2013
Fr. Kyprian was in Berlin as the Pochaev Brotherhood had fled Slovakia before the advancing Soviet Red army. Having read some books of the Lives of the Saints that belonged to his grandfather, Nicolai expressed the desire to join the brotherhood. On [[February 3]], 1945, Nicolai left the labor camp, illegally, and was accepted [[Archimandrite]] [[Seraphim (Ivanov) of Chicago|Seraphim]] to begin the spiritual labors of [[monasticism|monastic]] life, Five days later Nicolai and his monastic companions fled Berlin for southern Germany, going to an area that was taken by the American army. From southern Germany he and his monastic companions proceeded to Switzerland in August 1945.
On [[September 23]], 1946, Nicolai was [[tonsure]]d a [[Monastic Ranks|rassaphore]] [[monk]] and given the name Alypy. Later in 1946, Alypy and his companions traveled to the United States, to the [[Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, New York)|Holy Trinity Monastery]] in Jordanville, New York. At the monastery, monk Alypy undertook the study of [[iconography]] under the tutorship of Fr. Kyprian who was renowned as an [[iconographer]]. On [[March 19]], 1948, Alypy was among a group of three monks, the other two rassaphore monks were [[Laurus (Škurla) of New York|Laurus (Škurla)]] and [[Flor Florus (Vanko)]], who were tonsured mantia monks by Abp. Vitaly (Maximenko). On [[December 3]], 1950, monk Alypy was [[ordination|ordained]] to the [[diaconate]] by Metr. [[Anastasy (Gribanovsky) of Kishinev|Anatassy (Gribanovsky)]]. On [[July 4]], 1954, hierodeacon Alypy was ordained to the [[priest]]hood by Abp. Vitaly.
Graduating from [[Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (Jordanville, New York)|Holy Trinity Seminary]], Fr. Alypy remained to teach. Among the several subjects he taught were [[Church Slavonic]] and Greek. He also wrote a grammar on Church Slavonic that was published by the Monastery in 1964. This book has been subsequently been reprinted and translated for English language students. Fr. Alypy continued his education at Norwich University, graduating in 1970 with a Master’s degree in Russian language. During this period Fr. Alypy was very active as an iconographer. His work covered many churches including the iconography of Holy Trinity Cathedral at Jordanville, the Cathedral of the Mother of God of the Sign in New York City, St. Sergius Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio, and later, the new Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois.
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