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This '''Questions''' page is the place to post and answer general questions regarding the work here on '''OrthodoxWiki'''.  We hope we can help!
#redirect [[OrthodoxWiki:Trapeza]]
==What to do?==
Someone (Fr John?) contacted me at Wikipedia and asked me to help out here, but I'm not sure where to start. I've worked on Wikipedia for several years off and one, and it's easy to find things there that need help, but the quality of work I'm seeing here looks much higher, at least at a glance. Is there a ToDo list somewhere, or anything of that sort? [[User:Theophan|Theophan]] 22:20, 26 Feb 2005 (CST)
::Hi Theophan, I'm sorry for the delay in finding this message, but I'm glad to see that others took up the ball on this one. [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]]
Is there a reason that all the timestamps show as CST, even though preferences are set to another time zone? - [[User:Magda|magda]] 10:14, 18 Mar 2005 (CST)
::Hmm... Server time is set to CST, as well as the wiki default (since I'm in Chicago). Maybe to keep all the timestamps in order, they go for the default instead of you local preferences??? [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]] 14:29, 18 Mar 2005 (CST)
I was reading an [http://www.mpa.gr/article.html?doc_id=528950 article] about the recent synod in Turkey, and came across the word ''diptych''.  I asked my husband about it and he said this usage refers to the commemoration of the Patriarchs, who usually co-commemorate each other (as each local church commemorates the bishop, metropolitan, patriarch, etc.).  Any idea why this is called a ''diptych''? --[[User:Magda|magda]] 11:53, 25 May 2005 (CDT)

Latest revision as of 16:28, August 16, 2006