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Gregory V of Constantinople

236 bytes added, 02:29, March 10, 2009
[[Image:Patriarch Gregory V.JPG|right|thumb|220px| The hanging of Patriarch Gregory V from the gate of the Patriarchate on [[Pascha|Easter]] [[Lord's Day|Sunday]] [[April 10|April 10th]], 1821. By [[w:Peter von Hess|Peter Von Hess]].]]
Georgios Aggelopoulos was born in Dimitsana, Arcadia prefecture in 1746 to poor parents. A studious child, Georgios attended school at Dimitsana before continuing his education in Athens for two years. With the help of his uncle he continued his education in the theological school at Smyrna for another five years. Having been raised in hesychastic environment around the [[Monastery]] of Philosophou he turned to a [[monasticism|monastic]] life and was [[tonsure]]d a [[monk]] in Strophades with the name Gregory. He continued his education in theology and philosophy at the School of Patmos.

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