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441 bytes added, 00:45, July 19, 2008
My Rules of Thumb
#'''Presentation matters''' from the moment you first click '''"Save page"'''. There's a reason that '''''Your changes will be visible immediately''''' is printed right below the editing box. If you want a scratch pad, use the [[OrthodoxWiki:Sandbox|Sandbox]] or your personal userspace.
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#'''Some of the most relatively insignificant issues are the source of the biggest controversies on the wiki.''' This is probably because they're of such ''relatively'' little import that there hasn't been much serious scholarship done on them, nor has any general consensus emerged regarding such things. (That doesn't mean they're of no importance, but that their importance usually gets exaggerated with entirely too much undue weight.)
#'''People with an agenda usually ruin the wiki''' or at least attempt to do so. A few actually become normal, useful editors who contribute good articles. Most either end up storming off in a huff or getting banned for refusing to play nice.
#'''People who don't want anyone altering their contributions usually ruin the wiki''' or at least attempt to do so. A few actually become normal, useful editors who contribute good articles. Most either end up storming off in a huff or getting banned for refusing to play nice.
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