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Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)

236 bytes added, 02:57, March 21, 2008
Exterior and entrance
===Layout of the Church of the Resurrection===
====Exterior Courtyard====Each year, during the Holy Week services, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and entranceits Bishops hold a traditional ceremony of the washing of the feet, in honour of Christ washing the feet of his apostles before his crucifixion.====Entrance====
The entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is important to the church tradition, since a large crack in one of the entrance pillars on the left, is attributed to a miracle of the Holy Light occuring during a Resurrection ceremony.
====Stone of the Unction====
Immediately upon entering the Church of the Resurrection lies the Stone of the Unction. According to tradition, this is the spot where they laid Christ after he had been taken down from the cross.

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