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Sophrony (Sakharov)

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*[ ''We Shall See Him As He Is''], 1985. Essex, England: Stravropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, 1988.*''The Undistorted Image[https: Staretz // Saint Silouan, 1866the Athonite]'', Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist; 1st edition, 1996 ({{ISBN|978-0-951-27868-0}}).*''[ On Prayer]'', 1948Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, 1998 ({{ISBN|1-874679-14-2}}).*[ ''Striving for Knowledge of God:'' ''Correspondence with David Balfour''], 1952Stavropegic Monastery of St. Faith PressJohn the Baptist, 1st edition, 1958 2016 ({{ISBN B0007IXVB0|978-1-909649-06-4}}).*''The Monk of Mount Athos[https: Staretz Silouan 1866// Truth and Life],''Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Mowbray1st edition, 1973 2014 ({{ISBN 0264646185|978-1-874679-96-7}}). *''[ Letters to His Family],'' Stavropegic Monastery of St. Vladimir's Seminary PressJohn the Baptist, 2nd edition, 1997 2023 ({{ISBN 091383615X|978-1-909649-01-9}}).*''Wisdom from Mount Athos[https: The Writings // Words of Life],'' Stavropegic Monastery of Staretz Siloan 1866St. John the Baptist, 2nd edition, 2015 ({{ISBN|1-874679-16-19389}}).*''[ Hearken, my Beloved Brethren],'' Stavropegic Monastery of St. Vladimir's Seminary PressJohn the Baptist, 2nd edition, 1975 2021({{ISBN 0913836176|978-1-909649-57-6}}).*''His [ The Mystery of Christian Life is Mine],'', Stavropegic Monastery of St. Vladimir's Seminary PressJohn the Baptist, 1st edition, 1977 2022 ({{ISBN B000B9E2WW|978-1-909649-90-3}}). *''The Cross of Loneliness: The Correspondence of Saint Sophrony and Archpriest Georges Florovsky'' St. VladimirTikhon's Seminary Monastery Press, 1997 2021 ({{ISBN 0913836338|978-1-7361723-1-5}}).*''We Shall See Him As He IsThe Undistorted Image: Staretz Silouan, 1866–1938'', 19851948, 1952. EssexFaith Press, England1958.*''The Monk of Mount Athos: Stravropegic Monastery of Staretz Silouan 1866–1938'', Mowbray, 1973 ({{ISBN|0-264-64618-5}}). St. John the BaptistVladimir's Seminary Press, 19881997 ({{ISBN|0-913836-15-X}}).*''Saint Silouan, the AthoniteWisdom from Mount Athos: The Writings of Staretz Siloan 1866–1938'', St. Vladimir's Seminary Press; reprint edition, 1999 1975 ({{ISBN 0881411957|0-913836-17-6}}).*''On PrayerHis Life is Mine'', St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1998 1977. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1997 ({{ISBN |0-88141913836-19433-98}}). 
*[ ''Christ, Our Way and Our Life'' ] by Archimandrite [[Zacharias (Zacharou)|Zacharias]]. "A Presentation of the theology of Archimandrite Sophrony." ({{ISBN |1-878997-74-2}}).
*''I Love Therefore I Am'' by [[Nicholas (Sakharov)|Nicholas V. Sakharov]]. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003 (ISBN 0-88141-236-8).