→Of the Internet, Computers, and Computer Users: capitalization to match other headings
* St. [[Theodore the Sykeote]] ([[April 22]])
==Against drinking, drug addiction, smoking==* Holy Martyr [[Boniface]] & the Righteous Aglais ([[June December 19]])* St. [[John of Kronstadt]] ([[December 20]])* St. [[Ephraim of Nea Makri]] ([[May 5]]) and ([[January 3]]) the discovery of his relics * St. [[Paisios of Mount Athos]] ([[July 12]]) * St. [[Moses the Black]] ([[August 28]]) ==Against leprosy==* St. Nikephoros the Leper ([[January 4]])* St. Anthony the Great ([[January 17]])* [[Job the Long-suffering]] ([[May 6]])
==Against the plague==
* St. John Koukouzelis ([[October 1]])
* St. [[Roman the Melodist]] (October 1)
* St. Gherásimos Mikraghiannanítis (January 10)
* St. Theodosius of Chernigov ([[February 5]])
* Holy [[Apostle Nathaniel]] ([[April 22]])
* St. Paul the Simple ([[March 7]])
==For skyn, hands and feet disorders==
* Holy Great Martyr Artemius - skin cancer ([[October 20]])
* St. John Damascene - hands ([[December 4]])
* St. Seraphim of Sarov ([[January 2]])
* Saints Boris and Gleb ([[July 24]])
* St. Demetrius the New of Bessarabi ([[October 27]])
==For sleep disorders, insomnia==
* Saint Marcel, founder of the "Monastery of the Achimites" - excessive sleepiness ([[December 29]])
* Seven Holy Youths (Sleepers) of Ephesus - insomnia ([[August 4]])
==For headaches==
* [[Three Holy Hierarchs|Three Hierarchs]]: St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory the Theologian ([[January 30]])
==For hernias , stomach and intestinal disorders ==
* Holy Great Martyr Artemius of Antioch ([[October 20]])
* St. [[Artemius of Verkola]] ([[June 23]] and October 20)
* St. Theodore the Studite ([[November 11]])
* St. Seraphim of Sarov ([[January 2]])
==For [[iconographers]]==
* St. Ignatius the icon painter ([[September 2]])
* St. [[Apostle Luke|Luke the Apostle]] and Evangelist ([[October 18]])
* St. Theodore the Studite ([[November 11]])
* St. Lazarus the Painter ([[November 17]])
* St. Theodore, Archbishop of Rostov ([[November 28]])
* St. [[John of Damascus]] ([[December 4]])
* Our father among Saints Gregory III, Pope of Rome ([[December 10]])
* St. Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev, Moscow and All Russia ([[December 21]])
* St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia ([[December 31]])
* The Holy Empress Theodora, Restorer of Orthodoxy ([[February 11]])
* Theophanes the Confessor ([[March 12]])
* St. Adrian of Poshekhonye, the Iconographer ([[March 15]])
* Our father among the Saints Germanus I, Patriarch of Constantinople ([[May 12]])
* St. Dionysius, Abbot of Glushitsa, Vologda ([[June 1]])
* Saint Hierarch Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople ([[June 2]])
* St. Daniel Chorny the icon painter ([[June 13]])
* St. Andrei Rublev ([[July 4]])
* St. Pafnuty-Pârvu the Painter from Robaia Monastery ([[August 7]])
* St. Gregory the icon painter from Kiev Pecerska Lavra ([[August 8]])
* Holy Martyr for the Holy Icons Anthony of Alexandria ([[August 9]])
* Holy Martyrs for the Holy Icons Julian of Constantinople and Marcian, John, James, Alexius, Demetrius, Photius, Peter, Leontius, Maria the Patrician, the Protospatharios (“Sword-Captain”) Gregory and those with them ([[August 9]])
* St. Alypius of Kiev Pechersk Lavra ([[August 17]])
==For mental disorders==
* St. [[Gerasimos of Cephalonia]]: the possessed ([[August 16]])
* Holy Martyrs Cyprian and Justina (October 2)
* St. [[Anastasia the Roman|Anastasia]] ([[October 12]])
* St. [[Gerasimos of Cephalonia]]: the possessed Venerable Niphon ([[August 16]]December 23)* Holy Martyr Tryphon (February 1)
* St. Naum of Ochrid ([[June 20]])
* St. [[Gregory the Wonderworker]] of Kievo-Pechersk ([[January 8]])
==For protection of gardens and crops from pests ==* St. Paraskeve of Serbia: against locusts, beetles ([[October 14]])
* St. Gerasimos the New Ascetic ([[October 20]])
* Holy Great Martyr Tryphon: also for hunters and Patron of Moscow ([[February 1]])
* St. Michael of Synnada ([[May 23]])
==For protection of gardens against pestsgardeners== * Holy Great Martyr Tryphon: also for hunters and Patron Phocas the Gardener of Sinope ([[September 22]])* Holy Martyr Conon the Gardener of Pamphylia ([[March 5]])* Holy New Martyr Michael Baknanás, the Gardener of Athens ([[June 30]])* Holy Martyr Serenus the Gardener ([[August 9?]])* St. Fiacre of Moscow Breuil ([[February 1August 30]])
==For safe childbirth==
* St. [[Simeon the Myrrh-flowing|Symeon the Myrrh-streamer]], father of St. Savva of Serbia ([[February 13]])
==Of the Internet, computers, and computer users==
* (Unofficial) St. [[Isidore of Seville]], "the last scholar of the ancient world". ([[April 4]])
*[http://www.theologic.com/oflweb/inhome/pray2sts.htm Saints Called upon for Special Purposes]
*[https://www.crestinortodox.ro/religie/carui-sfant-rugam-cand-suntem-bolnavi-147445.html Which Saint should we pray to?]
==See also==