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| colspan="2" style="font-size: 95%; background:#ccf"|'''Jurisdictions'''
| colspan="2" style="font-size: 90%;"|[[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia|GOA Aus]] - Abp [[Stylianos Makarios (HarkianakisGriniezakis) of Australia|StylianosMakarios]]<br>[[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines|Antiochian]] - Met Abp Metr. [[Paul Basilios (SalibaKodseie) of Australia and , New Zealandand the Philippines|PaulBasilios]]<br>[[Diocese of Australia and New Zealand (ROCOR)|ROCOR]] - Met Bp [[Hilarion George (KapralSchaefer) of New YorkSydney|HilarionGeorge]]<br>[[Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand|Serbian]] - Bp [[Irinej Siluan (DobrijevicMrakic) of Australia and New Zealand|IrinejSiluan]]<br>[[Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand|Romanian]] - Bp [[Michael (Filimon) of Australia and New Zealand|Michael]]<br>[[Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Zealand|GOM NZ]] - Met [[Amphilochios Myron (TsoukosKtistakis) of New Zealand|AmphilochiosMyron]]
[[Australian jurisdictions without a local bishop|Bishopless Jurisdictions]]
| colspan="2" style="font-size: 95%; background:#ccf"|'''Pan-Orthodox Synaxes'''
| colspan="2" style="font-size: 90%;"| [[Episcopal Assembly of Oceania]]<br>[[Eastern Hierarchs]]<br>[[Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Churches in Australia|SCCOCA]]
| colspan="2" style="font-size: 95%; background:#ccf"|'''Institutions'''
| colspan="2" style="font-size: 90%;"|''[[List of Australian monasteries|Complete List]]''
| colspan="1" style="font-size: 80%;"|[[St. Anna Convent _Anna_Convent_(Preston, Victoria_Victoria)|Saint St Anna]] <br> [[Monastery of Gorgoepikoos the Holy Cross (GeelongMangrove Mountain, VictoriaNew South Wales)|GorgoepikoosHoly Cross]] <br> [[Monastery of the Holy Cross Gorgoepikoos (Mangrove MountainGeelong, New South WalesVictoria)|Holy CrossGorgoepikoos]] <br> [[Our Lady of Kazan Convent (Kentlyn, New South Wales)|O.L. of Kazan]] <br> [[Monastery_of_the_Presentation_of_the_Mother_of_God_(Bungarby,_New_South_Wales)|Presentation]]| colspan="1" style="font-size: 80%;"|[[Monastery of New Kalenic Monastery_of_Prophet_Elias_(Monarto,_South_Australia|Proph. Elias]] <br> [[Monastery_of_St._John_of_the_Mountain_(CanberraForrestfield, Australian Capital Territory_Western_Australia)|New KalenicSt John Mtn]] <br> [[Monastery of Pantanassa (Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales)|Pantanassa]] <br> [[StMonastery_of_St. Petroc Monastery _Sava_(CascadesElaine, Tasmania_Victoria)|Saint PetrocSt Sava (Elaine)]] <br> [[Holy Transfiguration Monastery (Bombala, New South Wales)|Transfiguration]] <br> [[Sacred Monastery of the Holy Archangels (Levin, New Zealand)|Archangels, NZ]]
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