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18 bytes removed, 13:12, March 13, 2016
I read everything about/from St Seraphim, in the original language. This section of the article is dubious.
*Meditation 15- The Crowning of the Theotokos by the Blessed Trinity
== Connection with St. Seraphim Orthodox Christian use ==It is said by some that St. Seraphim of Sarov used the rosary as a instructed lay people to use his prayer rule to the , containing 'Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice..' prayers. Supporting evidence shows that this may be true, seeing that one One of his spiritual children, Fr. Zosima, wroteout words of the Saint::"...Say the 0 'O Hail, Mother of God and Virgin ..' one hundred and fifty times... This rule was given by the Mother of God herself in about the eighth century... We Orthodox have forgotten about it, and St. Seraphim has reminded me of this Rule. In my hands I have a hand-written book from the cell of St. Seraphim, containing a description of the many miracles which took place through praying to the Mother of God and especially through saying one hundred and fifty times the O Hail, Mother of God and Virgin... Whomever he spoke to about this miracle-working Rule remained grateful to him...".
== Sources ==

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