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Oriental Orthodox

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The term '''''Oriental Orthodox''''' refers to the churches of [[Eastern Christian]] traditions that keep the faith of only the first three [[Ecumenical Council]]s of the undivided [[Orthodox Church]] - the —the councils of [[First Ecumenical Council|Nicea I]], [[Second Ecumenical Council|Constantinople I]] and [[Third Ecumenical Council|Ephesus]]. The Oriental Orthodox churches rejected the [[dogma|dogmatic definition]]s of the [[Fourth Ecumenical Council|Council of Chalcedon]](A.D. 451).
Thus, despite potentially confusing nomenclature, Oriental Orthodox churches are distinct from the churches that collectively refer are referred to themselves as ''[[Orthodox Church|Eastern Orthodoxy]]''.
The Oriental Orthodox churches came to a [[schism|parting of the ways]] with the remainder of [[Christianity]] in the [[5th century]]. The separation resulted in part from the Oriental Orthodox churches' refusal to accept the [[Christology|Christological]] [[dogma]]s promulgated by the Council of [[Fourth Ecumenical Council|Council of Chalcedon]], which held that [[Jesus Christ]] has is in two [[physis|nature]]s — natures — one divine and one human, although these were inseparable and only act as one [[hypostasis]]. To the [[hierarch]]s who would lead the Oriental Orthodox, this was tantamount to accepting [[Nestorianism]]. In response, they advocated a formula that stressed unity of the [[Incarnation]] over all other considerations, that being "one nature of God the Word Incarnate", "of/from two natures" in and after the union. The Oriental Orthodox churches are therefore often called "[[Monophysitism|Monophysite]]" churches, although they reject this label, which is associated with [[Eutychianism|Eutychian Monophysitism]], preferring the term "''non-Chalcedonian" '' or "''Miaphysite" '' churches. Oriental Orthodox Christians anathematize the Monophysite teachings of [[Eutyches]]. They are sometimes also known as "''anti-Chalcedonians''."
In the [[20th century]], a number of dialogues have occurred between the Oriental Orthodox and the Eastern/Byzantine Chalcedonian Orthodox which suggest revealed that both communions now share a common [[christologyChristology]] with differing terminology. As yet, [[full communion]] has not been restored. There have also been some agreed christological Christological statements issued in conjuction conjunction with the [[Roman Catholic Church]] and the Eastern Orthodox (Chalcedonian) family (Ecumenical Patriarchate and official representatives of other Eastern Orthodox Churches) [].
== Oriental Orthodox Churches ==
==The Oriental Orthodox Communion==communion is a group of churches within Oriental Orthodoxy which are in [[full communion]] directly and indirectly with one another []. The communion includes:
* The Oriental [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)|Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria]]** The [[British Orthodox Church (Coptic)|British Orthodox Church]], canonically part of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria since 1994* The [[Church of Antioch (Syriac)|Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch]] (sometimes called 'Jacobite')** [[Malankara Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church|Malankara Syriac Orthodox Communion is Church]], a group branch and integral part of churches within the Syriac Orthodox Church with the Oriental Orthodoxy which are in Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch as its supreme head.* The [[Church of Armenia]] (sometimes called the Armenian Apostolic Church)* The [[Church of India|Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church]] (sometimes called the Indian Orthodox Church)* The [[full communionEthiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church|Ethiopian Orthodox Church]] with each other. * The communion includes:[[Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church|Eritrean Orthodox Church]]
* The Oriental Orthodox Communion ** The [[Armenian Orthodox Church]] (Armenian Apostolic Church)** The [[Syrian Orthodox Church]] of Antioch** The [[Coptic Orthodox Church]] of Alexandria** The [[Ethiopian Orthodox Church]] (Tewahedo Church)** The [[Eritrean Orthodox Church]] (Tewahedo Church)** The [[Malankara Orthodox Church]] of India (Indian Orthodox, Orthodox Syrian == Assyrian Church of the East)==
The [[Assyrian Church of the East]] is sometimes considered an Oriental Orthodox Church, although it is not in communion with Oriental Orthodox churches and they have a [[Nestorianism|Nestorian]] or Nestorian-like Christology that differs from the declaration of the Council of Chalcedon in an opposite way from the [[Miaphysitism|Miaphysites]]. By the time of the Monophysite controversy, the Assyrians had already separated from the Orthodox Church with the [[Third Ecumenical Council|Council of Ephesus]]. The Church follows the [[East Syrian Rite|East Syrian rite]].
==Assyrian External Links==*[ Coptic Orthodox Church] (Official Website of the Patriarchate of Alexandria)*[ Syriac Orthodox Church] (Official Website of the Patriarchate of Antioch)*[ Armenian Orthodox Church of Echmiadzin] (Official Website)*[ Armenian Orthodox Church of Cilicia] (Official Website)*[ Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church] (Official Website)*[ Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church ] (Official Website)*[ Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka I]*[ Coptic Orthodox Church in the EastDiaspora]*[ The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church]*[ Saint Takla Haymanot Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, Egypt]*[ Oriental Orthodoxy - St. Mary's Malankara Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA]*[ Orthodox Unity]*[ Collection of Sermons on Orthodoxy (Coptic)]*[ Oriental Orthodox Churches]*[ Shroro - The Syriac Orthodox Christian Digest]*[ ''The Nature of Christ''] (PDF) by Pope [[Shenouda III (Gayyid) of Alexandria]]*[ Eastern-Oriental Orthodox Unity - Official Satements]*[ Opposition to Union with the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Unresolved Theological Differences Between the Two] (Eastern Orthodox Article Against Reunion)*[ Oriental Orthodox Iconographer]
The [[Assyrian Church of the EastCategory:Jurisdictions]] ([[Nestorianism|Nestorian]] Church) is sometimes considered an Category:Oriental Orthodox Church, although they left the [[One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church]] in reaction to the [[Third Ecumenical Council|Council of Ephesus]] 20 years earlier and revere as [[saint]]s men anathematized by the previously mentioned Churches. In addition, they accept a [[Nestorianism|Nestorian]] or Nestorian-like [[christology]] that is categorically rejected by the Oriental Orthodox Communion.  ==External links==* [ Website on the unity between Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Churches]* [ Common declaration of Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I Iwas]* [ Saint Takla Haymanot Coptic Orthodox Church - Alexandria - Egypt)]
[[Categoryar:Jurisdictionsالكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية]][[Categoryfr:Oriental OrthodoxÉglises orthodoxes orientales]][[ro:Biserici Orientale Ortodoxe]]

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