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Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem

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After his repose in 1894 the work of the mission was supervised by Archim. Leonid (Sentsoff) and his successors. Their work included the construction of the Church of the Holy Forefathers in Hebron in 1907 and the Church of St. Elijah in Jaffa in 1913.
===World War I and the aftermath===
Finding Russia on the opposite side from Turkey during World War I, the staff of the mission and [[clergy]] were expelled from Palestine and were only allowed to return from Egypt in 1919 when the British mandate over Palestine was established. In the meantime, all links with the Patriarchate of Moscow were interrupted due to the political changes in Russia. With the return of the clergy and staff, now under Archim. Meletius after Fr. Leonid's repose in 1918, services began again. Despite the lost of most of its funding the mission was able to reopen churches, start a new school for girls in Bethany, establish the Convent of St. Mary Magdalene at Gethsemane, and purchase land along the banks of the Jordan River.