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John (Ziobin) of Alaska

131 bytes added, 20:25, March 11, 2012
His Grace , the Most Right Reverend '''John (Ziobin) of Alaska''' was a hierarch of the [[OCA|Russian Metropolia]] and [[Diocese of Alaska (OCA)|Bishop of Alaska ]] during the mid-twentieth century.
Bishop John was born Iosif Zlobin on [[September 6]], 1880. Little is known of his early life. In the 1920s, Fr. John was a [[parish]] [[priest]]. In the late1920slate 1920s, he was the priest with an Orthodox community in Portland, Oregon when the community acquired a [[church]] building on NE Mallory Avenue from the German Brethren Congregation[]. During his pastorate this church was renovated as the parish church and was dedicated to St. [[Nicholas of Myra|Nicholas the Wonderworker]]. 
From 1927 to 1933, Archimandrite John served as the first permanent priest of the Church of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women parish in West Sacramento, California.
[[Category:20th-century bishops]]

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