Regina Press is defunct.
[[Image:Frank.jpg|right|frame|Frank Schaeffer]]'''Frank Schaeffer''' (b. 1952) is a well-known and much sought-after speaker. He lectures on the Orthodox Faith, Christianity and the arts, and his [[conversion]] to the Orthodox Faith. He has served on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council and as the lay chairman of the Religious Education Committee of the [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America]]. He is also was the editor and founder of the now defunct [[Regina Orthodox Press]] which publishes published many Orthodox books.
Schaeffer was born in Switzerland in 1952 to American missionary parents. His father, Francis Schaeffer, was a well-known Evangelical theologian. He attended boarding schools in England and Wales. After studying art in Geneva he worked as a painter and had a number of successful shows in Geneva, London, and New York. After, he began to direct and produce films. Schaeffer has made over 25 hours of documentaries including a series on medical ethics made with the then Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. C. Everett Koop entitled ''Whatever Happened to the Human Race?'' He has also directed four feature films: ''Wired to Kill'', ''Headhunter'', ''Rebel Storm'', and ''Baby on Board'' (for ABC starring Judge Reinhold and Carol Kane).
== External links ==
*[http://www.frankschaeffer.com Frank Schaeffer]
* [http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/frank-schaeffer-go-to-hell-pro-lifers/ Rod Dreher column on Frank Schaeffer]
* [http://www.patheos.com/blogs/frankschaeffer/ Frank Schaeffer's blog on Patheos]