This page is meant to give members of the OrthodoxWiki community and its guests a sense of how OrthodoxWiki is being perceived and received across the web and in the larger Orthodox community.
[hide]- 1 Number Three
- 2 OrthodoxWiki in Print
- 3 Comments and Quotes, Endorsements and Criticisms
- 3.1 They’ve got their own Wiki!
- 3.2 An Orthodox what?!
- 3.3 A New Place to Play
- 3.4 An Online Reference Tool
- 3.5 Live Long and Prosper
- 3.6 A Great Resource
- 3.7 OrthodoxWiki!
- 3.8 "Boy. I thought I was up on my obscure jurisdictions..."
- 3.9 Awesome!
- 3.10 Pretty neat
- 3.11 Sailing by...
- 3.12 It's exciting
- 3.13 Fun
- 3.14 A valuable tool
- 3.15 A wonderful resource
- 3.16 Wonderful work
- 3.17 Endorsements on Wikipedia
- 3.18 From WikiIndex
- 4 Recent Off-Site Buzz
- 5 More Off-site Discussion
- 6 Simple Reverse Links / Listings
- 7 References to OrthodoxWiki Articles
- 8 OrthodoxWiki Statistics
- 9 Search Rankings
- 10 OrthodoxWiki is being used in many different ways
Number Three
According to our [Alexa http://alexa.com] ranking, it looks like OrthodoxWiki might be the #3 site on the Internet for Orthodox Christianity. Check out OrthodoxWiki:Statistics for more info, and let us know if you think we're mistaken. — FrJohn (talk) 11:07, October 2, 2006 (CDT)
OrthodoxWiki in Print
- Fr. Joseph Huneycutt's new book, "One Flew Over the Onion Dome," references OrthodoxWiki (including URLs) a few times in its endnotes. This is the first print reference we know of for the wiki.
Comments and Quotes, Endorsements and Criticisms
They’ve got their own Wiki!
"They’ve got their own Wiki! I love the internet..." - Michael Hawkins
An Orthodox what?!
For those of you familiar with Wikipedia, this is an Orthodox Christian project based on those lines. It's still very much in the early developmental stages, but there's lots that may be accomplished, and of course the potential is immense. (And of course because of the open-licensed nature of Wikipedia, you can feel free to lift material about Orthodoxy from there as a starting point.) I believe the site is run by an OCA priest in the Diocese of the Midwest.
For those of you who aren't familiar with this medium, a Wiki (as it usually gets implemented) is an encyclopedic-style resource maintained as a website which is editable by anyone. OrthodoxWiki has the potential to be a massive compendium of information about Orthodoxy, whether historical, liturgical, artistic, ecclesiastical, biographical, etc.
So, if you care to, check the site out, click around, explore, and contribute. And please pass the word along to your friends. - Andrew Stephen Damick
A New Place to Play
Like Wikipedia, OrthodoxWiki is a free-content encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to (either by writing new articles or editing existing ones). In the case of OrthodoxWiki, the content is specifically oriented towards Orthodox Christianity. It was started in November, so it is still in the "ground floor" stage of development.
I've fallen in love with this new resource because it appeals to a number of my proclivities--writing, editing, theology, organizing, and technology. Until the Christmas Break ends and I must return to school, I think this will be one of my major diversions. Check it out! - Deacon Matthew
An Online Reference Tool
"I have The Complete Book of Orthodoxy which I have always enjoyed as a "quick reference" tool. This could develop into something even better." - Nicholas
Live Long and Prosper
"What a fine idea. I hope that the Orthodoxwiki prospers!" - Archpriest Andrew in Minneapolis
A Great Resource
"This reminds of me how St. Peter of Damascus was able to write his systematic theological work found in the Philokalia. He simply took advantage of the monastic libraries to gather all the information he could, and eventually he wrote based on that. Now we have the opportunity to collect and explore all the knowledge and experience of thousands of years of Church history. Let us take advantage of this and enjoy all that this project has to offer!" - Derek J. Power
"Sorry, but Orthodox Wiki strikes me as being very cool. Must add link." - Journey to Scetis, April 18, 2005
- What do you think he is apologizing for?
"Boy. I thought I was up on my obscure jurisdictions..."
I love the internet!! I get a Google news notice daily for "Orthodox" and "Ukraine". Today, there was an article about an abandoned church in Westchester and a "Bishop Bondi" from the St. Ambrose of Milan Orthodox Church. Hmmm, I thought. So, a little Googling later I find the American Orthodox Catholic Church. Boy. I thought I was up on my obscure jurisdictions. And, so I ended here, reading the article about their group; or what's left of it.
I suspect I will be a regular reader/user here at Orthodoxwiki.
Take care and God bless,
Rick Z. Dearborn Heights, MI
From an email received July 13, 2005
"The Orthodox Wiki is awesome." - thedude
Pretty neat
Pretty neat. Lots of information. I hope theologians out there will help contribute new articles. - Bred Drell
Sailing by...
Sailing by del.icio.us, I ran into with an pleasant initiative...
... the creation of wiki on the part of the orthodox Christians .
An interesting way to unite past and present.
My best desires for them.
- Geekzone.cl - "Cristianos ortodoxos crean su propio WIKI", with help from Google's autmated translation software.
- This is very zen!
It's exciting
"Let me just say a big thanks to everyone's efforts at OrthodoxWiki. It's exciting to be working with people who have both the skills and commitment to make such a great website to the glory of Jesus Christ!" --J. J. 10:05, August 11, 2006
"For a good lot of fun, visit the Orthodox Wiki." - Lee at A Worker in the Vineyard
A valuable tool
"...it looks like a highly-valuable tool with which to ascertain quick information on the many varying facets of the Eastern Orthodox faith." - Joseph at Didactic Perspacity
A wonderful resource
"Glory be to Jesus Christ! Thank you for all the work that you and the rest of the OrthodoxWiki community has done in producing this wonderful resource. It has served as a great aid to me in my own spiritual life and for that I am grateful." - Clement F. 12/23/06
Wonderful work
"Thank you for the wonderful work that you and everyone have done to start the OrthoWiki website. It is such a useful resource and I pray that it will continue to grow." - Saydeh 1/26/07
Endorsements on Wikipedia
- "A well-maintained, informative place and with broad audience and editorship." - mikka
- "OrthodoxWiki isn't an obscure resource" - w:User:Critias
- "Looks like a quality resource that can only become more notable in the future." -Pmsyyz
- "This wiki is notable." - Yuckfoo
A list of Wikipedia articles linking to Wikipedia's article on OrthodoxWiki can be found here.
From WikiIndex
- "Vibrant" [1]
For criticism, please go here.
Recent Off-Site Buzz
More Off-site Discussion
- http://www.orthodoxchristianity.net/forum/index.php?topic=9243
- http://homepage.mac.com/gthurman/iblog/C735571802/E1743762675/
- http://www.christianforums.com/t1187900-orthodox-wikipedia.html
- http://p202.ezboard.com/ftheyorkforumfrm10.showMessage?topicID=51.topic
- http://www.chrysostom.org/andrew/
- http://www.livejournal.com/users/uncreatedlight/30648.html
- http://p066.ezboard.com/fnicholasforum88957frm3.showMessage?topicID=382.topic
- http://www.monachos.net/mb/messages/6555/18553.html
- There is an Orthodox Wiki - at TheologyWeb.com
- http://www.worldprayer.us/bible/christian/102948-Orthodox-Christianity-Wiki.html
- http://byzantinecalvinist.blogspot.com/2005_04_01_byzantinecalvinist_archive.html#111252983278750595 - "A new on-line encyclopaedia"
- http://thebereans.net/forum/index.php?topic=4668.msg131347#msg131347 - Causing confusion about the "Eighth Ecumenical Council"!
Simple Reverse Links / Listings
- http://www.warsaw-hotel.info/poland-guide/Eastern_Orthodoxy
- http://www.kettletoaster.com/blog/2005/02/writing-through-sleepaway-camp-angelas.html (rather hidden)
- http://www.ortodoks.dk/links.htm (also hidden in a link)
- http://www.livejournal.com/community/catholicism/1036114.html?thread=11592786#t11592786
- http://www.theopedia.com/User_talk:JoeyDay
- http://cs-people.bu.edu/butta1/ (Orthodox Spiritual Goodies)
- http://sarisburium.blogspot.com/
- http://homepage.mac.com/gthurman/iblog/
- http://pistevo.blogspot.com/ (s.v. March 12th)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodox_Church#External_links
- http://karlthienes.blogspot.com/
- http://www.orthodoxlinks.info/search?text=orthodoxwiki&where=1
- http://xanthikos.blogspot.com/
- http://blogodoxy.typepad.com/
- http://southern-orthodoxy.blogspot.com/
- http://djproject.livejournal.com/friends/
- http://www.stjohnsroch.org/links.html - St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, Rochester, NY
- http://www.annunciation.va.goarch.org/links.php - Fr. Poulos' recommended links, from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Norfolk, VA
- http://www.greeklaws.com/fora/index.php?showtopic=17658&st=56&#entry167979 (in Greek)
- http://www.zeitun-eg.org/ThBibInformatics_idx.htm (under 'Selected Web URIs')
- http://stjrussianorthodox.com/miscellaneous.htm
- http://www.annunciation.va.goarch.org/links.php (A "Fr. Poulos recommended link")
- http://www.noeticspace.com/ ("Just because I like it")
- http://www.pashitta.com/
- http://thrustofgrace.blogspot.com/
- http://www.ntom.org/ - North Texas Orthodox Missions
- Solidarity and Sustainability
- Theological & Biblical Informatics
- Head full of sermons, mouth full of spiders
- http://www.stnicholaspunchbowl.org.au - Orthodox Education Links
- and many more...
References to OrthodoxWiki Articles
- http://www.kerygma.org/lee/2005/04/archbishop-iakovos-dead-at-93.htm - Ligonier Meeting
- Why is Orthodox Easter So Much Later This Year Than Western Easter? - Paschalion
- http://www.explore-biography.com/religious_figures/J/John_Climacus.html - The Ladder of Divine Ascent
- http://www.christianforums.com/t1481360-western-rite-orthodox.html&page=2 - Western Rite
- http://www.vita-religiosa.de/kirchita.htm - Timeline of Church History
- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7734/orthlink.htm - Church of Alexandria
- http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/g/gr/greek_old_calendarists.htm - Lifted from Wikipedia
- http://www.stjamesok.org/ - Link to May_5!
- http://cblankens.blogspot.com - Protection_of_the_Holy_Virgin_Monastery_(Lake_George,_Colorado)
- [2] - Harold of England showing up in someone's del.icio.us links. Click here for more!
- The Dostoyevsky Forum - Apocatastasis and others (a discussion about purgatory)
- This list is by no means exhaustive!
OrthodoxWiki Statistics
This section has been moved to its own page: OrthodoxWiki:Statistics.
Search Rankings
I've been noticing lately that OrthodoxWiki often comes up in my Google searches - many times right on the front page. That's a great sign for the publicity and growth of the site. We finally have an Alexa Ranking too. As of this writing, we're number 2,079,901 on the web - up 1,777,947 from the last ranking. That's not at all bad, considering all the websites in the world! Don't be shy about writing a review over there if you have some spare time. Keep us the great work everybody! Fr. John
- Update: As of April 23, 2005 we're listed as # 1,156,383 on the web. That's great progress!
- Update: I just noticed that we're passed the half-million mark at 465,624. Looks like we're moving quickly through the ranks! Fr. John 23:49, November 23, 2005 (CST)
OrthodoxWiki is being used in many different ways
May 24, 2006
Just ran across a magazine news article which references OrthodoxWiki.
May 22, 2005
This month I'd like to comment on how people are using OrthodoxWiki. It seems that Heath at lamented_elegy.blogspot.com has taken to linking every possible OrthodoxWiki word in his blog posts. I'm sure our Google ranking will skyrocket as a result!
I've also been noticing cases of hotlinking. Now this isn't necessarily wrong or immoral, but if the site continues to grow this could eat up a lot of bandwidth and prove a headache for our host, OrthodoxInternet.com. I'd also like to respect those who have given us permission to use their images on this site. Therefore, I'm going to nip this in the bud - as of November 20, 2005 hotlinking has been disabled. Please see OrthodoxWiki:Hotlinks for details.
We continue to see OrthodoxWiki popping up on a lot of linklists (www.orthodoxytoday.org, http://stromata.typepad.com/, http://byzantinecalvinist.blogspot.com/), casually linked in blog posts (witness vandrona.blogspot.com/2005/05/christ-is-risen.html), and showing up in forum discussions (www.christianforums.com/t1648600-modern-nestorians.html&page=5).
I've been surprised to learn how many places there are who steal (well, it's public, so not exactly stealing) Wikipedia's content for their own financial gain (mongoose.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Christianity) or otherwise derive benefit from linking to OrthodoxWiki (www.religiousartifacts.com/exitpage/Religion.php?st=user&term=orthodoxwiki). On the other hand, OrthodoxWiki is also showing up in search engines which seem more reputable but are simply off the beaten track (such as Answers.com).
Given the nature of the internet, we shouldn't be suprised that OrthodoxWiki is being linked around the world - for example,in the French language Wikipedia, or on this Danish page. I was honored also to see a referral link from www.baghdadmuseum.org, which looks to be a well-skinned implementation of MediaWiki.
I haven't been keeping track of new memberships too closely (Rdr. Andrew does a wonderful job at that), but I've noticed a lot of new names popping up.
All (well, at least most) of these are very encouraging signs for OrthodoxWiki. All I can think of to say here is: Keep up the good work, everyone! - Fr. John