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The '''Passion''' of our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the suffering he endured for our salvation. ''Passion'' is the theological term used for the suffering, both physical and mental, of [[Jesus]] in the hours prior to and including his trial and execution by crucifixion. The [[crucifixion]] and [[resurrection]] of Jesus is central to Orthodox Christian faith. The events of the passion are celebrated during [[Holy Week]], beginning with Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. Preceding this, he suffers torments beginning with his prayer in Gethsemane, his arrest, trial, scourging, and bearing his cross to Calvary or Golgotha.
The Church celebrates the passion of the Lord during [[Holy Week]], whose hymns anticipate and celebrate these sufferings for our salvation.
The [[Etymology|etymological]] origins of the word lie in the Christian [[Latin]] ''passio'', (stemming from ''patis''- to suffer) <ref> OED </ref> and first appearing in the 2nd century precisely to describe the travails and suffering of Jesus in this present context. The word ''passion'' has since taken on a more general application. <!-- The term ''the [[Agony]] of Jesus'' is sometimes used alternately, although is generally more specifically applied to Jesus' agony of mind while praying before his arrest: the Agony in the Garden [of [[Gethsemane]]]. -->
Those parts of the four [[Gospels]] that describe these events are known as The "Passion narratives". <!-- The non-canonical ''[[Gospel of Peter]]'' is also a Passion narrative. (This is a Docetic gospel which fell out of circulation due to its condemnation by the Church.) -->
[[Image:Tizian 020.jpg|thumb|left|200px|The Mocking of Christ by [[Titian]]]]
[[Image:Torun kosciol sw_Jakuba, Pasja 01.jpg|thumb|right|200px|''Passion of Christ'', simultaneous painting from ca. 1480-90 from St. James' church in Toruń]]
The narratives of the ''Passion'' are found in the four [[gospels]], Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Three of these, known as the [[Synoptic Gospels]], give very similar accounts. The Gospel of John includes additional details and some differences.
The ''Passion'' begins at Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 and John 12 with the conspiracy against Jesus then unfolds in eight scenes:
''A meal a few days before Passover.'' A woman anoints Jesus. He says that for this she will always be remembered.
''In Jerusalem, the [[last meal|Last Supper]] shared by Jesus and his disciples.'' Jesus gives final instructions, predicts his betrayal, and tells them all to remember him. ''On the path to [[Gethsemane]] after the meal.'' Jesus tells them they will all fall away that night; after [[Saint Apostle Peter|Peter]] protests he will not, Jesus says Peter will deny him three times before the cock crows. ''Gethsemane, later that night.'' As the disciples rest, Jesus prays; then a mob led by [[Judas Iscariot]] [[Arrest of Jesus|arrests]] Jesus, and all the others run away. ''The high priest’s palace, later that night.'' The mob brings Jesus to the [[Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus|Sanhedrin (Jewish supreme court)]]; they examine Jesus and determine he deserves to die. They send him to [[Pontius Pilate]].
''The courtyard outside the high priest’s palace, the same time.'' Peter has followed Jesus and joined the mob awaiting Jesus’ fate; they suspect he is a sympathizer, so Peter denies he knows Jesus. Suddenly the cock crows and Peter remembers what Jesus had said.
''The governor’s palace, early morning.'' Pilate, the Roman governor, examines Jesus, decides he is innocent; the Jewish leaders and the crowd demand Jesus’ death; Pilate gives them the choice of saving [[Barabbas]], a criminal, or saving Jesus. In response to the screaming mob Pilate sends Jesus out to be crucified.
''Golgotha, a hill outside Jerusalem, later morning through mid afternoon.'' Jesus is crucified and dies.
During the arrest in Gethsemane, someone (Peter according to John) takes a sword and cuts off the high priest's servant's ear. According to the Synoptics, the high priest who examines Jesus is [[Caiaphas]]; in John, Jesus is also interogated by [[Annas]], Caiaiphas' father in law.
The [[Gospel of Luke]] states that Pilate sent Jesus to be judged by [[Herod Antipas]] because as a Galilean he was under his jurisdiction. Herod was excited at first to see Jesus and hoped Jesus would perform a miracle for him and asked Jesus several questions but Jesus did not answer. Herod then mocked him and sent him back to Pilate after giving him an "elegant" robe to wear. <ref>{{bibleverse||Luke|23:8-12|31}}</ref>
All the Gospels have a man named [[Barabbas]]<ref>Bar-abbas means ''son of Abbas.'' Some manuscripts of Matthew say ''Jesus'' Barabbas, suggesting that an early version of the story contrasted the fate of two men both named Jesus.</ref> released by Pilate instead of Jesus. Matthew, Mark and John have Pilate offer a choice between Jesus and Barabbas to the crowd; Luke lists no choice offered by Pilate, but represents the crowd demanding his release.
In all the Gospels, Pilate asks Jesus if he is King of the Jews and Jesus replies ''So you say.'' Once condemned by Pilate, he was [[flagellation|flogged]] before execution. The Canonical Gospels, except Luke, record that Jesus was then taken by the soldiers to the ''[[Praetorium]]'' where, according to Matthew and Mark, the whole contingent of soldiers was called together. They placed a [[purple]] [[robe]] on him, put a [[crown of thorns]] on his head, and according to [[Apostle Matthew|Matthew]], put a [[sceptre|rod]] in his hand. They mocked him by hailing him as ''King of the Jews'', paying [[homage]] and hitting him on the head with the rod.
According to the Gospel of John, Pilate had Jesus brought out a second time, wearing the purple robe and the crown of thorns, in order to appeal his innocence before the crowd, saying "[[Ecce homo]]", "Here is the man". But, John represents, the priests urged the crowd to demand Jesus' death. Pilate resigned himself to the decision, washing his hands (according to Matthew) before the people as a sign that Jesus' blood would not be upon him.
Mark and Matthew record that Jesus was returned his own clothes, prior to being led out for execution. According to the Gospel accounts he was forced, like other victims of crucifixion, to drag his own cross to [[Golgotha]]<ref>The meaning of Golgotha is "place of a skull".</ref>, the location of the execution. According to the Synoptic Gospels, while on the way to Golgotha, the soldiers forced a man passing by, [[Simon of Cyrene]], to carry Jesus' cross for him. The [[Gospel of Mark]] gives the names of Simon's children, ''Alexander'' and ''Rufus''. Luke adds that Jesus' female followers were following him, and mourning his fate, but that he responded by quoting {{bibleverse||Hosea|10:8}}.
[[Image:Albrecht Altdorfer 016.jpg|thumb|right|200px|<center>Crucifixion of Christ by [[Albrecht Altdorfer]]]]
The Synoptic Gospels state that on arrival at Golgotha, Jesus was offered [[wine]] laced with [[myrrh]] to lessen the pain, but he refused it. Jesus was then crucified, according to Mark, at ''the third hour'' (9 AM), but according to John at ''the sixth hour'' ([[noon]]). Pilate had a [[Titulus (inscription)|plaque]] fixed to Jesus' cross inscribed, (according to John) in Hebrew, Greek and the Latin - ''[[INRI|Iesu Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum]]'',<ref>The original Greek of the Gospels reads Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων, "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews".</ref> meaning ''Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews''. Mark has the plaque say simply, ''King of the Jews.'' The Gospels then state that they divided Jesus' clothes between the soldiers except for one garment for which they cast [[lots]]. The Gospel of John claims that this fulfills a prophecy from {{bibleverse||Psalms|22:18}}.
Some of the crowd who had been following taunted Jesus, saying "He trusts in God; let God deliver him now!", and suggested that Jesus might perform a [[miracle]] to release himself from the cross.
According to the Gospels, two [[Theft|thieves]] were also crucified, one on each side of him. According to Matthew and Mark, both thieves reviled Jesus. According to Luke, one of the thieves reviled Jesus, while the other declared Jesus innocent and begged that he might be remembered when Jesus came to his kingdom.
John records that Mary his mother and two other women stood by the cross as did a disciple, described as the one whom Jesus loved. Jesus committed his mother to this disciple's care. According to the synoptics, the sky became dark at midday and the darkness lasted for three hours, until the ninth hour when Jesus cried out ''My God, why have you forsaken me?''<ref>Mark reports Jesus said ''Eloi, eloi lama sacachthani?'' in [[Aramaic]]; Matthew reports ''Eli, Eli....''</ref> The centurion standing guard, who had seen how Jesus died, declared Jesus innocent (Luke) or ''Son of God'' (Matthew, Mark).
John also says that, as was the custom, the soldiers came and broke the legs of the thieves, so that they would die faster, but that on coming to Jesus they found he had already died. A soldier pierced his side with a [[spear]].
The various things that Jesus spoke during the ''Crucifixion'' are collected from the different accounts as the ''[[Last Words of Christ]].''
==Other Passion narratives, traditions and scholarship==
A tradition linked to [[icon]]s of Jesus holds that [[Saint Veronica|Veronica]] was a pious woman of Jerusalem who gave her kerchief to him to wipe his forehead. When he handed it back to her, the image of His face was miraculously impressed upon it.
'''The pillar'''
'''Rufus and Alexander'''
The sons of Simon of Cyrene are named as if they might have been early Christian figures known to Mark's intended audience (Brown et al. 628). [[Apostle Paul of Tarsus|Paul]] also lists a ''Rufus'' in [[Epistle to the Romans|Romans]] [ 16:13].
'''The garments of Jesus'''
Most garments of the region were made of woven strips of material that were about eight inches wide and included decorative braids from two to four inches wide. The garments could be disassembled and the strips of cloth were frequently recycled. A single garment might hold sections of many different dates. However, in Damascus and Bethlehem cloth was woven on wider looms, some Damascene being 40 inches wide. Traditional Bethlehem cloth is striped like pyjama material. <ref> Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, exhibition notes </ref> It would thus appear that Jesus' "[[Seamless robe of Jesus|seamless robe]]" was made of cloth from either Bethlehem or Damascus.
===The Gospel of Peter ===
There are also two criminals on each side of him and, as in Luke, one begs Jesus for forgiveness. The writer says Jesus was silent as they crucified him, " if in no pain." <ref>Miller 403. This is the passage that was condemned as possibly leading to [[Docetism]].</ref> Jesus is labelled the King of Israel on his cross and his clothes are divided and gambled over.
As in the canonical gospels, darkness covers the land. Jesus is also given vinegar to drink. Peter has "My Power, My Power, why have you forsaken me?" as the last words of Jesus, rather than "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" as quoted in Mark. He is then "taken up", possibly a [[euphemism]] for death or maybe an allusion to [[heaven]]. <ref>Miller 403</ref> Peter then has a resurrection, also somewhat the same but somewhat different from the other books.
[[Serapion of Antioch|Serapion]] urged the exclusion of the Gospel of Peter from the Church because [[Docetism|Docetists]] were using it to bolster their [[Theology|theological]] claims, which Serapion rejected. <ref>Brown 11</ref> Many modern scholars also reject this conclusion, as the statement about Jesus being silent "as if in no pain" seems to be based on Isaiah's description of the suffering servant. {{bibleverse||Isaiah|53:7}}. <ref>Miller 403</ref>
=== Old Testament prophecy of the Passion===
#On the way to [[Caesarea Philippi]], predicting that the ''Son of Man'' will be killed and rise within three days
#After the [[transfiguration of Jesus]], again predicting that the ''Son of Man'' will be killed and rise within three days
#On the way to Jerusalem, predicting that the ''Son of Man'' will be delivered to the leading [[Pharisee|Pharisees]] and [[Sadducees]], be condemned to death, delivered to the [[Gentiles]], mocked, scourged, killed, and rise within three days
Christians argue that these are cases of genuine and fulfilled [[prophecy]] and many scholars see [[semitic]] features and old tradition in {{bibleverse||Mark|9:31|31}}. <ref>Brown 140</ref>. Skeptics argue they are cases of [[postdiction]] (prophecy after the events have already occurred).
After the first prophecy, the Gospel of Mark states that Jesus was rebuked by Peter, eliciting the well known response by Jesus of ''"Get thee behind me, Satan"''. In particular Peter is criticised for having in mind the things ''of men'' not ''of God'', and though many Christians interpret this as an assertion of Jesus' [[divinity]], other scholars, and many early [[gnosticism|gnostics]], argue that it is a rebuke of the Christian school of thought associated with Simon Peter, that which was to become the official Roman Catholic church. Sceptics argue that the events prophesied are inventions.
After the third ''prophecy'', the Gospel of Mark states that the brothers [[James the Great|James]] and [[Apostle John the Apostle|John]] ask Jesus to be his left and right hand men, but Jesus asks if they can drink from the ''cup'' he must drink from. They say that they can do this. Jesus confirms this, but say that the places at his right and left hand are reserved for others. Many Christian see this as being a reference to the two criminals at Jesus' crucifixion, thus relating to ''the Passion''. The ''cup'' is sometimes interpreted as the symbol of his death, in the light of Jesus' prayer at Gethsemane "Let this cup be taken from me!"
==Instruments of the Passion==
[[Image:Christ as Man of Sorrows between Four Angels.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Christ as [[Man of sorrows]] with the Instruments by [[Master ES]], 15th century [[engraving]]]].In Christian symbolism and art the '''Instruments of the Passion''' or [[Arma Christi]] are the objects associated with Jesus' Passion. Each of the Instruments has become an object of veneration among many Christians and have been pictured in paintings and supposedly recovered as [[Relics attributed to Jesus|relics]]. Depictions of the Instruments of the Passion may include:
*The Pillar or [[column]] where Jesus was whipped, in the episode of the [[Flagellation]].*The [[Whip (relic)|Whips]] that were used.*The [[Crown of Thorns]].*The [[Christian Cross|Cross]] on which he was crucified. See also the [[True Cross]].*The [[INRI|Titulus Crucis]], attached to the Cross, inscribed "''Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum''" (optional)*The [[Nail (relic)|Nails]], inflicting four wounds.*The [[Spear of Destiny]] by which a Roman soldier inflicted the final of the [[Five Wounds]] in his side.*The [[Holy Grail]], the Chalice that caught his blood and which was used by Jesus at [[The Last Supper]].
==Stations of the Cross==
In the [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic Church]] (and sometimes in others), the Passion story is depicted in the '''[[Stations of the Cross]]''' (''via crucis,'' also translated more literally as "Way of the Cross").
==Musical settings of Gospel narratives==
The reading of the Passion during [[Holy Week]] dates back to the fourth century. It began to be intoned (rather than just spoken) in the Middle Ages, at least as early at the 8th century. 9th-century manuscripts have "litterae significativae" indicating interpretive chant, and later manuscript begin to specify exact notes to be sung. By the 1200s different singers were used for different characters in the narrative, a practice which became fairly universal by the 15th century, when [[polyphonic]] settings of the [[turba]] passages began to appear also. (''Turba'', while literally meaning "crowd," is used in this case to mean any passage in which more than one speaker speaks simultaneously.)
In the later fifteenth century a number of new styles began to emerge:
* '''Responsorial Passions''' set all of Christ's words and the turba parts polyphonically
* '''Through-composed Passions''' were entirely polyphonic (also called '''motet Passions'''). [[Jacob Obrecht]] wrote the earliest extant example of this type.* '''Summa Passionis''' settings were a synopsis of all four Gospels, including the [[Seven Last Words]] (a text later set by [[Joseph Haydn|Haydn]] and [[Théodore Dubois]]). These were discouraged for church use but circulated widely nonetheless.
In the sixteenth century, settings like these, and further developments, were created for the Catholic church by [[Tomás Luis de Victoria|Victoria]], [[William Byrd]], [[Jacobus Gallus]], [[Francisco Guerrero]], [[Orlando di Lasso]], and [[Cypriano de Rore]].
[[Martin Luther]] wrote, "The Passion of Christ should not be acted out in words and pretense, but in real life." Despite this, sung Passion performances were common in Lutheran churches right from the start, in both Latin and German, beginning as early as [[Laetare Sunday]] (three weeks before Easter) and continuing through Holy Week. Luther’s friend and collaborator [[Johann Walther]] wrote responsorial Passions which were used as models by Lutheran composers for centuries, and “summa Passionis” versions continued to circulate, despite Luther’s express disapproval. Later sixteenth-century passions included choral “exordium” (introduction) and “conclusio” sections with additional texts. In the seventeenth century came the development of “[[oratorio]]” “oratorio” passions which led to [[Johann Sebastian Bach|J.S. Bach]]’s Bach’s passions, accompanied by instruments, with interpolated texts (then called “madrigal” movements) such as [[sinfonia]]ssinfonias, other Scripture passages, Latin [[motet]]smotets, chorale arias, and more. Such settings were created by [[Bartholomeus Gesius]] and [[Heinrich Schütz]]. [[Thomas Strutz]] wrote a passion (1664) with arias for Jesus himself, pointing to the standard [[oratorio]] tradition of [[Heinrich Schütz|Schütz]], [[Giacomo Carissimi|Carissimi]], and (later) [[George Frideric Handel|Handel]], although these composers seem to have thought that putting words in Jesus’ mouth was beyond the pale. The practice of using [[recitative]] for the Evangelist (rather than plainsong) was a development of court composers in northern Germany and only crept into church compositions at the end of the 17th century.
The best known Protestant musical settings of the Passion are by [[Johann Sebastian Bach]], who wrote two Passions which have survived intact to the present day, one based on the [[Gospel of John]] (the ''[[Johannes Passion|St John Passion]]''), the other on the [[Gospel of Matthew]] (the ''[[Matthäuspassion|St Matthew Passion]]''). In more recent times, the 20th century [[Poland|Polish]] composer [[Krzysztof Penderecki]] has written a ''[[St Luke Passion (Penderecki)|St Luke Passion]]'', based on the [[Gospel of Luke]]. See also [[Passion cantata]].
A relative of the musical Passion is the custom of setting the text of ''[[Stabat Mater]]'' to music.
==Passion plays==
Non-musical settings of the Passion story are generally called [[Passion play]]splays. One famous cycle is performed at intervals at [[Oberammergau]]. The Passion figures among the scenes in the English [[mystery play]]s plays in more than one cycle of dramatic vignettes. There have also been a number of films telling the passion story, with a prominent recent example being ''[[The Passion of the Christ]].''
*Miller, Robert J. Editor ''The Complete Gospels'' Polebridge Press 1994 ISBN 0-06-065587-9
==See also==
*[[Passion cantata]]
*[[Alexamenos graffito]]
==External links==
*[ MSN article - "Why is it called the Passion?"]
[[:Category:New Testament]][[:Category:Theology]]