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Timeline of Orthodoxy in Russia

458 bytes removed, 10:21, September 19, 2009
Problem of periodisation of Russian Church history
# 1589-1720
# 1720-1825
<!-- Границами были по преимуществу события внутрицерковной историиEvents of intrachurch history were borders mainly: разделение единой митрополии на две чассти division of the one metropolis on two parts (его начало автор относит ко времени свт. Фотияthe author considers that a beginning of the division happened, когда под давлениием литовского кн. Витовта была предпринята попытка отделения заападнорусских епархий (см. Западноорусская митрополияwhen an attempt to separate West Russian dioceses has been undertaken by the pressure of Lithuanian prince Vitovt), учреждение Патриаршества в Москвеan establishment of the Patriarchate in Moscow, Святейшего Синода в ПетербургеGoverning Synod in St.-Petersburg; однако учитывались и внешние факторы первостепенной важности - монголоhowever external factors of vital importance -татарское нашествие mongol invasion of 1237 г. и установление верховной власти Орды над Русьюand further yoke over Russia were considered also.--> 
Periodization bases have been developed in detail by metropolitan Makariy (Bulgakov). He has distinguished three big periods, and also the special period defined as "introduction in history of Russian Church" -"Christianity history in Russia to equal-to-apostles prince Vladimir". The basic periods were distinguished proceeding from canonical status of the Russian Church: 1) full dependence of the Russian Church on the Constantinople Patriarchate (988-1240); 2) gradual transition of the Russian Church from this dependence to independence (1240-1589); 3) the independence (autocephalous) period (with 1589).