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Timeline of Church History (Nicene Era (325-451))

96 bytes added, 23:17, February 11, 2009
Nicene era (325-451): 330
*328 [[Athanasius the Great]] becomes bishop of Alexandria (328-373).
*329 [[Athanasius of Alexandria|Athanasius]] ordains [[Frumentius]] (Abba Selama) to [[priest]]hood and commissions him to evangelize Ethiopia.
*330 Constantinople is founded Byzantium refounded as ''Constantinople / New Rome'' and , Christian capital of the Roman Empire, and is dedicated to the [[Theotokos]] by Emperor [[Constantine the Great|Constantine]]; Amoun and [[Macarius the Great]] found monasteries in the Egyptian desert.
*333 [[Constantine the Great|Constantine]] commissions [[Eusebius of Caesarea|Eusebius]], to prepare 50 copies of the Bible for churches in the new capital.
*335 Death of [[Sylvester of Rome|Sylvester]], Pope of Rome.