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Talk:List of Serbian saints

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What does everyone else think about the necessity of including the original names in Cyrillic characters? It seems a tad cluttered, but maybe that's just me. Gabriela 19:40, March 22, 2007 (PDT)

The Cyrillic texts often contain a fuller title than is given in English in this article. For example, one listing is "Ss Cyril and Methodius (Света браћа Кирило и Методије просветитељи словенски)" -- The Serbian says (I believe) "The Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, enlighteners of the Slavs. -Fr. John Whiteford
Hmm, that adds another interesting element. But what I was originally asking was whether or not everyone thought that all the Cyrillic was a useful addition to the article. Obviously, I don't think it needs it, so maybe the question is leading, but any thoughts? Gabriela 19:52, March 22, 2007 (PDT)
For those who come from a Slavic background, seeing these titles in Slavonic will help them make the proper connection with the English title. Many Russians I have met over the years will speak in English about a saint like "Alexei Bozhe-chelovyek". If you were speaking to them about St. Alexis the Man of God, they would often not make the connection, unless someone pointed out the connection. -Fr. John Whiteford 3-22-07
Ok, I guess they should stay in the article, then. That's what I wanted to know: whether it was my Anglophone, American convert bias coming through. Oh, and Father, I just wanted to suggest that maybe it would be easier for you to sign comments with four tildes, which puts your name with a link to your user page plus the exact time and date. Or you can just type it out, if you so prefer. Gabriela 20:35, March 23, 2007 (PDT)
I wondered how ya'll were doing that. Thanks! Frjohnwhiteford 10:54, March 24, 2007 (PDT)
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