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User talk:FrJohn

Revision as of 21:50, October 4, 2005 by Julius (talk | contribs) (...but it is an external link)

/archived discussion 1 (through 09-07-2005)

OrthodoxWiki and WikiKto


I would have wished to know if a partnership could be found between OrthoxWiki and WikiKto, a free catholic encyclopedia. To mean, this exchange, I indicated on the banner page of WikiKto, a bond towards your encyclopedia. If you agree, want to mean it to me in my page : [1]

Tanks, David Dias

Japan Pictures

My father-in-law, Victor Pokrovsky, was the choir director for Met. Sergius. So many of the pictures from his collection that my wife now has. Also, Matushka Maria from the Nagoya Church has given me electronic copies of the 'ancient' times of the church. Sometimes I loose track of what I may have access to.

It is really interesting to read about these old missionaries and wonder how many people from today will so remembered in the same manner in the future. Wsk 12:46, 16 Sep 2005 (EDT)

A brother's attack on the Coptic Church of Alexandria

Please carefully read HH Pope Shenouda III's The Nature of Christ before attacking us! Also watch HH Patriarch Bartholomew I video and his comments on the Coptic Church and her perfect Christological position. Those who invented monothelism were the Greek Orthodox. "The ease with which Egypt was conquered by Muslims appears to have been due to the treachery of the governor of Egypt, Patriarch Cyrus [2], Melchite (i.e., Byzantine/Chalcedonian Orthodox, not Coptic) Patriarch of Alexandria, and the incompetence of the generals of the Byzantine forces. Cyrus had persecuted the local Coptic Christians. He is one of the authors of monothelism, a seventh century heresy, and some supposed him to have been secretly a convert to Islam." I appeal to Fr John to interfere in this matter, and until resolved I won't be contributing to Orthodox Wiki any longer. In Christ, --Arbible

Thanks, and Official Statements

Many thanks, Father John. Please forgive me, a great sinner, and remember me in your fervent prayers.

You may find these Official Statements useful for the ongoing discussion/planned article:

Other related documents:

On Patrick Barnes' site

This site does not "speak for the Orthodox Church" as its Webmaster rightly states in its 'About this Site' page. The page has many errors; for example, its stating that we haven't excommunicated Eutyches, which is totally wrong, as we all know. Thanks. God Bless.

...but it is an external link

No it does not speak for the Chalcedonian Orthodox churches, but it clearly states that and it is offered as an external link which the reader of Orthodox wiki may or may not click on at his or her own discretion.


...but it is an external link

No it does not speak for the Chalcedonian Orthodox churches, but it clearly states that and it is offered as an external link which the reader of Orthodox wiki may or may not click on at his or her own discretion.


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