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Timeline of Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic relations

18 bytes added, 02:55, November 16, 2010
Era of Dialogue
*2007 Orthodox-Roman Catholic Joint Commission meets in Ravenna, Italy, 10th plenary, led by co-presidents Cardinal [[w:Walter Kasper|Walter Kasper]] and Metr. [[John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon]], agreeing upon a joint document consisting of 46 articles providing an ecclesiastical road map in discussing union ("[ Ravenna Document]");<ref>Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent and Paul Bompard in Rome. ''[ Vatican joins historic talks to end 950-year rift with Orthodox church].'' [[w:The Sunday Times|The Sunday Times]]. November 16, 2007.</ref><ref>Ian Fisher. ''[ Vatican City: Catholic-Orthodox Accord on Papal Primacy].'' [[w:The New York Times|NY Times]]. November 15, 2007. A10.</ref> Russian delegation walks out of Ravenna talks in protest of presence of Estonian delegation ([[Church of Constantinople|EP]]); the Vatican issued a 16-page document prepared by the ''[[w:Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith|Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith]]'', restating its belief that the Catholic Church is the only true church of Jesus Christ, also stating that although Orthodox churches are true churches, they are defective because they do not recognize the [[w:Papal supremacy|primacy of the Pope]];<ref>''[ Catholic Church only true church, Vatican says].'' CBC News. Tuesday, July 10, 2007.</ref> [ Orientale Lumen EuroEast II] conference, May, 2007 in Istanbul; the Vatican formally [ reconsiders doctrine of Limbo];<ref>''[ Catholic Church sees 'hope' for unbaptized babies].'' CBC News. Friday, April 20, 2007 | 4:16 PM ET.</ref> Pope [[Benedict XVI]] issues the Apostolic Letter ''[[w:Summorum Pontificum|Summorum Pontificum]],'' granting greater freedom to use the [[w:Tridentine Mass|Tridentine Mass]] in its 1962 form and for administering most of the [[sacraments]] in the form that they had before the liturgical reforms following the Second Vatican Council.
*2009 Led by three senior archbishops, a group of Orthodox clergy in Greece published a manifesto, ''[ A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism],'' pledging to resist all ecumenical ties with Roman Catholics and Protestants, amongst its signatories including six metropolitans,<ref group="note">Metr. [[Panteleimon (Lampadarios) of Antinoe]]; Metr. Seraphim (Stergioulis) of [[Metropolis of Kythira|Kythira]]; Metr. Kosmas (Papachristos) of [[Metropolis of Aitolia and Akarnania|Aitolia and Akarnania]]; Metr. [[Seraphim (Mentzelopoulos) of Piraeus]]; Metr. Dr. [ Artemije (Radosavljevic)] of Raska and Prizren, Kosovo and Metohia; Bp. [[George (Schaefer) of Mayfield]], Abbott of the [[Hermitage of the Holy Cross (Wayne, West Virginia)]].</ref> as well as 49 archimandrites, 22 hieromonks, and 30 nuns and abbesses, as well as many other priests and church elders; Orthodox-Roman Catholic Joint Commission meets in Paphos, Cyprus, 11th plenary, studying the theme ''"The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the Communion of the Church in the First Millennium;"'' first-ever Russian Orthodox church is consecrated in Rome; Russia and the Holy See upgraded their diplomatic relations to full ambassadorial relations in 2009, following improvements in the working relationship between the Holy See and the Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow;<ref>''[ Russia and the Vatican establish full diplomatic ties].'' BBC News. 20:59 GMT, Thursday, 3 December 2009.</ref> at the invitation of Cardinal Walter Kasper, Abp. [[Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk]] visited Pope [[Benedict XVI]] and several officials of the Roman Curia who have key roles in the Roman Catholic ecumenical dialogue;<ref>''[ Archbishop Hilarion shares with Pope his concern about Orthodox dioceses in Ukraine destroyed by the Uniates].'' Interfax-Religion. 21 September 2009, 13:19.</ref> the [[North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation]] issues ''"[ A Common Response]"'' to the Ravenna Document of 2007, identifying a number of criticisms.
*2010 Patr. [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople|Bartholomew]] firmly addressed the opponents of the Orthodox theological dialogues in the ''[ Patriarchal and Synodal Encyclical on the Sunday of Orthodoxy],'' signed by 12 Bishops in addition to the Ecumenical Patriarch;<ref group="note">"...These dialogues, together with every effort for peaceful and fraternal relations of the Orthodox Church with other Christians, are unfortunately challenged today in an unacceptably fanatical way – at least by the standards of a genuinely Orthodox ethos – by certain circles that exclusively claim for themselves the title of zealot and defender of Orthodoxy. As if all the Patriarchs and Sacred Synods of the Orthodox Churches throughout the world, who unanimously decided on and continue to support these dialogues, were not Orthodox. Yet, these opponents of every effort for the restoration of unity among Christians raise themselves above Episcopal Synods of the Church to the dangerous point of creating schisms within the Church...moreover, union is not decided by theological commissions but by Church Synods...Beloved children in the Lord, Orthodoxy has no need of either fanaticism or bigotry to protect itself. Whoever believes that Orthodoxy has the truth does not fear dialogue, because truth has never been endangered by dialogue..." (''[ Patriarchal and Synodal Encyclical on the Sunday of Orthodoxy],'' February 21, 2010.)</ref> first ever visit by a pope to Cyprus, as Pope Benedict went on a sensitive three-day day visit to the divided island; Cardinal Walter Kasper stated that there can be no full integration of eastern and western Europe without ecumenical dialogue and the contribution of the eastern European Orthodox churches; at the ''“[ Orthodox Constructions of the West]”'' conference at Fordham University (June 28-30), keynote speaker Fr. Robert F. Taft, (S.J) delivered the address ''"Perceptions and Realities in Orthodox-Catholic Relations Today,"'' calling on Catholic and Orthodox Churches to Restore Communion;<ref group="note">Eastern-rite Jesuit scholar Rev. Robert Taft made a similar appeal for union when he delivered the annual Kelly Lecture at the University of Toronto's St. Michael's College in 2000. (''Jesuit slams Catholic-Orthodox rift.'' [[w:Times-Colonist|Victoria Times Colonist]]. December 16, 2000. A12.)</ref> Pope [[Benedict XVI]] proclaims the [[w:Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation|Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation]]; [ Orientale Lumen EuroEast III] conference, July 5-8, 2010 in Istanbul; Orthodox-Roman Catholic Joint Commission meets in Vienna, Austria, 12th plenary, studying the theme ''"The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the Communion of the Church in the First Millennium;"'' [[North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation]] meets in Washington DC, issuing two statements: ''[ Steps Towards A Reunited Church: A Sketch Of An Orthodox-Catholic Vision For The Future].,''<ref>The [[North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation]]. ''[ Steps Towards A Reunited Church: A Sketch Of An Orthodox-Catholic Vision For The Future].'' Georgetown University, Washington, DC. October 2, 2010.</ref> and ''[ Celebrating Easter/Pascha Together].''<ref>The [[North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation]]. ''[ Celebrating Easter/Pascha Together].'' Georgetown University, Washington, DC. October 1, 2010.</ref> Croatian Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Zadar gives cherished relic of St. [[Simeon the God-receiver|Simeon]] to the [[Church of Jerusalem|Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem]];<ref group="note">The mummified body of St. [[Simeon the God-receiver|Simeon]] was taken from Jerusalem to Constantinople in the 13th century, and was apparently destined for Venice when a storm on the Adriatic Sea forced the ship off course toward what is now Croatia. The saint’s remains have been venerated in Zadar since that time. In 2007, during a pilgrimage to the [[Holy Land]], Archbishop Ivan Prendja of Zadar met with the Greek Orthodox Patriarch [[Theophilus III (Giannopoulos) of Jerusalem|Theophilus III of Jerusalem]], and agreed to provide a relic of St. Simeon to be venerated in an Orthodox monastery dedicated to the saint. Archbishop Prendja died in January of this year, but his successor, Archbishop Zelimir Puljic, carried out his promise in a ceremony in Zadak, turning over the relic to representatives of the Orthodox patriarchate. (''[ Croatian archdiocese gives cherished relic to Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem].'' October 13, 2010).</ref> over half a million Guatemalan Indians of the "Orthodox Catholic Church of Guatemala" (OCCG), a branch of the "[[w:Orthodox-Catholic Church of America|Orthodox-Catholic Church of America]]" (OCCA), are received in their entirety into the Ecumenical Patriarchate's Holy Metropolis of Mexico (Central America).<ref>''[ PRESS RELEASE].'' '''General Secretariat for Pan-Orthodox Ministries'''. FROM THE OFFICE OF THE HOLY METROPOLIS, Mexico City, April 7th 2010.</ref><ref group="note">In announcing this exciting development, His Eminence Metropolitan [[Athenagoras (Aneste) of Panama|Athenagoras (Aneste) of Mexico]] expressed his great pleasure in welcoming the OCCG which was received in its entirety, including their former clergy, seminarians, lay ministers, catechists and affiliated membership into the canonical family of the [[Orthodox Church]]. Following their official reception, the leaders of OCCG, Messrs. [[Andrew Girón]] and [[Michael Castellanos]] traveled to Mexico City where on the weekend of March 19-21, they were ordained to the Holy Priesthood, receiving the title of [[Archimandrite]]. The OCCG has an approximate membership of 527,000 faithful and catechumens, overwhelmingly indigenous, with 334 churches in Guatemala and southern Mexico, with 12 (formerly OCCG) clergymen and 14 seminarians, who are assisted in their pastoral ministry by 250 lay ministers and 380 catechists.</ref>
==See also==