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Timeline of Church History (Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453))

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Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453): 1173
*1166 [[Council of Constantinople (1166)|Council of Constantinople]].
*1170 Miracle of the weeping icon of the [[Theotokos]] "[[Mother of God of the Sign|of the Sign]]" at Novgorod; Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland; city of Dublin captured by the Normans.
*1173 Death of [[w:Richard of Saint Victor|Richard of Saint Victor]], prior of the famous Augustinian [[w:Abbey of St. Victor, Paris|abbey of Saint-Victor]] in Paris (1162-1173) and one of the most important mystical theologians of 12th century Paris.
*1176 [[w:Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm|Sultanate of Rum]] defeats Byzantine Empire in the [[w:Battle of Myriokephalon|Battle of Myriokephalon]], marking end of Byzantine attempts to recover Anatolian plateau; Al-Adil I, Muslim ruler of Egypt, suppresses a revolt by Christian Copts in city of Qift, hanging nearly 3,000 of them.
*1177 Latin King Baldwin of Jerusalem and his knights, with Templars, defeat Muslim army of Saladin at [[w:Battle of Montgisard|Battle of Montgisard]].