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Timeline of Church History (Nicene Era (325-451))

310 bytes added, 20:59, August 21, 2010
Nicene era (325-451): 362;363;374;390;
*360 [[Martin of Tours]] founds first French monastery at Liguge; first church of [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] inaugurated by Emperor [[w:Constantius II|Constantius II]].
*361-63 [[Julian the Apostate]] becomes Roman emperor, attempting to restore paganism.
*362 Synod of Alexandria; Antiochian schism (362-414); death of [[Saint titles|Greatmartyr]] Artemius at Antioch; martyrdom of Roman soldier [[w:Eusignius|Eusignius]], who converted to Christianity at the age of 110. *363 Emperor [[w:Jovian|Jovian]] reestablished Christianity as the official religion of the Empire, stating that he preferred the Orthodox view, and that Athanasius was to be permitted to return to his see at Alexandria; martyrdom of [[w:Dometius of Persia|Dometius of Persia]] and two disciples.
*364 [[Council of Laodicea]] held.
*365-66 Brief exile and final restoration of [[Athanasius of Alexandria]].
*372 Death of [[Hilarion the Great]] of Palestine.
*373 Death of [[Athanasius the Great]]; death of [[Ephrem the Syrian]].
*374 Election of [[Ambrose of Milan|Ambrose]] as bishop of Milan; death of [[w:Nonna of Nazianzus|Nonna of Nazianzus]], mother of St [[Gregory the Theologian]].
*ca. 375 Emperor [[w:Gratian|Gratian]] relinquishes the pagan imperial title of ''[[w:Pontifex Maximus|Pontifex Maximus]],'' bestowing the title on Pope [[w:Pope Damasus I|Damasus I]] of Rome (although it was not until the fifteenth century that ''"Pontifex Maximus"'' became a regular title of honour for Popes).
*375 [[Basil the Great]] writes ''[[On the Holy Spirit]]'', confirming the divinity of the [[Holy Spirit]].
*386 [[Panagia Soumela Monastery]] founded in Trebizond, Pontus, Asia Minor; death of [[Cyril of Jerusalem]]; [[Theodosius the Great (emperor)|Theodosius the Great]] begins to rebuild the present-day [[w:Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls|Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls]].
*387 [[Augustine of Hippo|Augustine]] baptized at [[Pascha]] by [[Ambrose of Milan]].
*390 Death of [[Horus of the Thebaid]].
*391 Death of [[Gregory the Theologian]].
*391-92 All non-Christian temples in the Empire closed; [[Theodosius the Great (emperor)|Theodosius the Great]] ends pagan Eleusinian Mysteries by decree and causes surviving pagan sacrifices at Alexandria and Rome to cease.