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List of seminaries and theological schools

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*The Orthodox Patriarchal School "Archbishop of Cyprus [[Makarios III(Mouskos) of Cyprus|Makarios III]]" - Nairobi, Kenya; [[Archdiocese of Kenya (Alexandria)|Archdiocese of Kenya]], in the [[Church of Alexandria|Patriarchate of Alexandria]].
===South Africa===
*The Alexandrian Catechetical School of South Africa - 72 Saunders Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, South Africa; [[Archdiocese of South Africa (Alexandria)|Archdiocese of South AfricaJohannesburg and Pretoria]], in the [[Church of Alexandria|Patriarchate of Alexandria]].
===IndiaJapan===*[ St.Thomas [Tokyo Orthodox Theological Seminary(Tokyo, Japan)]] - Nagpur, India; [[Malankara Orthodox Syrian Churchof Japan]].
*[http://www[ Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney, Australia)|St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College]] - Redfern, Sydney, Australia; [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia]].
==North America==
*[ The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute] - Berkeley, California
*[ St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology] - Elk Grove, California; [[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America]].
*[ St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Seminary] - Libertyville, Illinois
*[[Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, Massachusetts)|Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology]] - Brookline, Massachusetts; [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America]].
*[ [St. Elias School of Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theology] - SewardTheological Seminary (South Bound Brook, Nebraska; Eparchy of Nebraska ([[Old CalendaristsNew Jersey)|Old Calendarist]] [[Episcopi vagantes]])*[ St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary]] - South Bound Brook, New Jersey
*[[St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Crestwood, New York)|Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary]] - Crestwood, New York; [[Orthodox Church in America]]
*[[Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (Jordanville, New York)|Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary]] - Jordanville, New York; [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia]]
*[ [Christ the Savior Saviour Seminary (Johnstown, Pennsylvania)|Christ the Saviour Carpatho-Russian Seminary]] - Johnstown, Pennsylvania; [[American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese]]
*[[St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Canaan, Pennsylvania)|Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary]] - South Canaan, Pennsylvania; The [[Orthodox Church in America]]
*====Major North American Seminaries by Enrollment (2021 Fall)==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |-! Seminary !! Students !! FTE !! Professors (FTE) !! Jurisdiction (dominant)|-| [[St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Crestwood, New York)|Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary]] (Crestwood, New York)|| 79 || 64 || 12(7) || Pan-Orthodox (OCA/Antiochian) <ref></ref> |-| [[httpHoly Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, Massachusetts)|Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology]] (Brookline, Massachusetts) || 76 || 71 || 8 || Pan-Orthodox(GOArch) <ref> member-schools/holy-cross-greek-orthodox-school-of-theology</ref>|-| [[St. Nersess Armenian Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Canaan, Pennsylvania)|Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary]] (South Canaan, Pennsylvania)|| 43|| 43 || 10 (4) || Pan-Orthodox (OCA/Antiochian) <ref></ref>|-| [[St. Stephen's Course in Orthodox Theology]] / Antiochian House of Studies (Distance/Boliver, Pennsylvania)|| 200 *[http|| 192 || 9 (3) || Pan-Orthodox (Antiochian) <ref>https://www.geocitiesats.comedu/Athensmember-schools/Aegeanantiochian-house-of-studies</9944ref>|-| [[Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (Jordanville, New York)|Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary]] (Jordanville, New York)|| 40 || 3|| 9 || ROCOR <ref>https:/ Pope Shenouda III Coptic /</ref>|-| [[St. Herman's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Kodiak, Alaska)|Saint Herman's Orthodox Theological Seminary] ] (Kodiak, Alaska) || 18 || 10 || 3 || OCA |- | [[St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Bound Brook, New Jersey )|St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary]] (South Bound Brook, New Jersey)|| 18|| 4||0|| UOC <ref></ref>|-| [[Christ the Saviour Seminary (Johnstown, Pennsylvania)|Christ the Saviour Carpatho-Russian Seminary]] (Johnstown, Pennsylvania) || 4 || 4 || 0 || ACROD <ref></ref>|-| [[St. Andrew's College (Winnipeg, Manitoba)|St. Andrew's College]] (Winnipeg, Manitoba) || 11 || 8 || 1 || UGOCC <ref></ref>|-| [[Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy (Toronto, Ontario)|Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy]] (Toronto, Ontario) || 6 || 5 || 1 || GOAC <ref></ref>|}* Note that majority are in non-degree programs (certificates) ====Distance Education====*[ St. Gregory Nazianzen Orthodox Theological Institute - Ecumenical Patriarchate] *[ The Pavel Florensky School of Theology and Los AngelesMinistry] - An academic unit within the Euclid University Consortium. The Master's Degree in Orthodox Theology and Doctoral / Ph.D. programs are administered by a priest of the [[Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA]] (Patriarchate of Constantinople).*[ Pastoral School of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia] offers diplomas in Pastoral Theology and Orthodox Studies.*[[St. Stephen's Course in Orthodox Theology]] - [[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America]]*[ doctor-ministry-d-min St. Athanasius Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary- D. Min. Degree] - San Antonio, TX; The Coptic *[ Holy Trinity Orthodox Diocese Seminary] of the Southern United StatesRussian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in Jordanville, NY, offers a four semester course of study leading to a Certificate in Theological Studies.
*[http://www[Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College (Toronto, Ontario)]] - in the University of Toronto.umanitoba*[[ Andrew's College (Winnipeg, Manitoba)|St. Andrew’s Andrew's College]] in Winnipeg, Manitoba - [[Ukrainian Orthodox SeminaryChurch of Canada]] *[[Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy/index.htm The Greek (Toronto, Ontario)|Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy]] - Toronto, Canada; [[Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada)]]*[[Université de Sherbrooke]] - in Sherbrooke and Longueuil, Quebec*[ St. Arseny Institute] in Winnipeg, Manitoba - [[Orthodox Church in America]]'s Canadian Archdiocese
==Western Europe==
*[[St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute (Paris, France)|L'Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint-Serge]] (Saint St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute) - Paris, France; [[Russian Orthodox Exarchate in Western Europe]]* [[St. Denys Theological Institute (Paris, France)|L'Institut De Theologie De Paris de Théologie Saint-Denys de Paris]] (St. Denys Theological Institute) - Paris,France; [[Orthodox Church of France]]* Russian Theological Seminary [] - Paris, [[Russian Orthodox Church]]===Germany===* [ Ausbildungseinrichtung für Orthodoxe Theologie der Universität München] (Orthodox Theological Institute at University of Munich) - Munich, Germany===Switzerland===* [ L’Institut d’études supérieures en Théologie orthodoxe de Chambésy] (Institute of Post-Graduate Studies in Orthodox Theology) - ParisChambésy, Geneva,FranceSwitzerland; [[Ecumenical Patriarchate]]
==United Kingdom==
*[ Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies] - Cambridge, UK
==Eastern Europe and Russia==
*Albanian Seminary at Tirana University[ Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy] - Durres, Albania; [[Church of Albania]] ===Belarus===*[ Holy Resurrection Seminaryru Minsk Orthodox Theological School] - DurresMinsk [[Church of Russia]] ===Bosnia and Hercegovina===*Saint Basil of Ostrog Theological Faculty, Foča; [[Church of Serbia]]*Saint Petar of Dabar and Bosna Orthodox Seminary, AlbaniaFoča; [[Church of AlbaniaSerbia]]
*[ Saint John of Rila Theological Seminary in Sofia] - Sofia Spiritual Seminary (email), Bulgaria; [[Church of Bulgaria]]*[http Faculty of Theology, Saint Kliment Ohridski, University of Sofia] - Sofia, Bulgaria; [[Church of Bulgaria]]*[http://indexsite.html Stseminaria. Kliment Ohridski Faculty org/ Saints Cyril and Methodius Theological Seminary in Plovdiv] - Plovdiv, Bulgaria; [[Church of Bulgaria]]*[ Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Theological Academy] - Plovdiv, Bulgaria; [[Church of TheologyBulgaria]]*[http://logos.uni- Department of Theology, Saint Paisii Hilendarski University of SofiaPlovdiv] - Plovdiv, Bulgaria; [[Church of Bulgaria]] === Croatia ===*Holy Three Hierarchs Orthodox Seminary in Krka Monastery; [[Church of Serbia]]
*[ Joensuu 2Fview&languageId=en_US Universityof Eastern Finland, Department of Orthodox Theology], Joensuu, Finland; [[Church of Finland]]*[ The Orthodox Seminary], Joensuu, Finland; [[Church of Finland]] ====Distance Education====*[ The Open University of Eastern Finland] - [[Church of Finland]]
*[ Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki], Thessaloniki; [[Church of Greece]]
*[ Department of Theology, University of Athens], Athens; [[Church of Greece]]
*[ Department of Theological and Pastoral Studies, University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki], Thessaloniki; [[Church of Greece]]
=== Montenegro ===
*Saint Petar of Cetinje Orthodox Seminary in Cetinje Monastery; [[Church of Serbia]]
*[ The Orthodox Theology Chair at the University in Bialystok] - Poland; [[Church of Poland]]
*[ Warsaw Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Poland; [[Church of Poland]]
*[ Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Orthodox Theology] (in Romanian) - Cluj-Napoca, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]
After the fall of communism in 1989, the number of theological faculties and seminaries multiplied greatly in Romania, as theological education was (re)integrated in the public education system since 1991. =====Faculties=====*[ "Justinian Marina" Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the University of Bucharest (in Romanian) - Bucharest, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ "Andrei Șaguna" Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the University of Sibiu (in Romanian) - Sibiu, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ "Babes-Bolyai" University Faculty of Orthodox Theology] (in Romanian) - Cluj-Napoca, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iași (in Romanian, with some information in English) - Iași, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the University of Craiova (in Romanian) - Craiova, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] *[ Faculty of Letters, History and Theology] at the West University in Timișoara (in Romanian) - Timișoara, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] *[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the "Ovidius" University in Constanța (in Romanian) - Constanța, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the University of Pitești (web page under construction) - Pitești, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] *[ Faculty of Orthodox Theology] at "Valahia" University, Târgoviște (in Romanian) - Târgoviște, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the University of Oradea (in Romanian) - Oradea, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] *[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the "Aurel Vlaicu" University in Arad (in Romanian) - Arad, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] *[ Orthodox Theology Faculty] at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University in Alba-Iulia (in Romanian, on the web page of the Alba-Iulia Archbishopric) - Alba-Iulia, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] ===Russia=Seminaries and theological high-schools==== The complete list is to be found [ here]. =====Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrogea=====*Moscow Patriarchate [ Orthodox Theological SchoolsSeminary in Bucharest] (in Romanian) - Bucharest, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[http://kuz1www.pstbimanastireapasarea.ccasro/ html St. Tikhon Filofteia Orthodox Theology Seminary] (monastic seminary for female students) - "Pasărea" Monastery, Brănești, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*"Dyonisios Exiguus" Orthodox Theology Seminary - Constanța, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*St. John Cassian Orthodox Theology Seminary - Tulcea, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Theology Seminary] - Târgoviște, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*"Bishop Kesarios" Orthodox Theological Seminary - Buzău, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]* St. Epiphanios Orthodox Theological Seminary - Rătești, Romania (a monastic seminary for female students) *"Patriarch Justin" Orthodox Theological Seminary - Câmpulung Muscel, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ "Neagoe Vodă" Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Curtea de Argeș, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ St. Apostle Andrew Orthodox Theological InstituteSeminary] - Galați, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] *St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Theological Seminary - MoscowSlobozia, Romania; [[Church of RussiaRomania]]* St. Kalinikos of Cernica Orthodox Theological Seminary -Turnu Măgurele, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]* St. John the Wallachian Orthodox Theological Seminary - Giurgiu, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] =====Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina=====* [ St. Basil the Great Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Iași, Romania [[Church of Romania]]*[ St. George Orthodox Theological Seminary], older site [ here] - Botoșani, Romania [[Church of Romania]]*Pimen [ St. John James of Hozeva Orthodox InstituteTheological Seminary] - Dorohoi, Romania [[Church of Romania]]*"Veniamin Costachi" Orthodox Theological Seminary - Neamț Monastery, Vânători, Romania[[Church of Romania]]*St. Paraskeva Orthodox Theological Seminary - Agapia Monastery, Agapia, Romania (for female students); [[Church of Romania]]*[ Sts. Emperors Constantine and Helena Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Piatra Neamț, Romania (in RussianRomanian); [[Church of Romania]]*"Metropolitan Dosoftei" Orthodox Theological Seminary - Suceava, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*St. George Orthodox Theological Seminary - Roman, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Theological Seminary - Huși, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] =====Metropolitanate of Transylvania=====*[ "Dumitru Stăniloae" Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Brașov, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*Orthodox Theological Seminary - Făgăraș, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] =====Metropolitanate of Cluj, Alba, Crișana and Maramureș===== * Orthodox Theological Seminary - Cluj-Napoca, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]* "Metropolitan Simion Ștefan" Orthodox Theological Seminary - Alba Iulia, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]* Orthodox Theological Seminary - Zalău, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]* "Bishop Roman Ciorogariu" Orthodox High-School - Oradea, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]* [ "St. Hierarch Joseph the Confessor" Orthodox Theological Seminary], Baia Mare, Romanial [[Church of Romania]]*"Nicolae Steinhardt" Orthodox Theological Seminary - Satu Mare, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] =====Metropolitanate of Oltenia=====*[ St. Gregory the Theologian Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Craiova, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*Theological High-School - Târgu Jiu, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ St John Chrysostom Theological Seminary], Târgoviște, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*[ St. Nicholas Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] =====Metropolitanate of Banat=====* "Carmen Sylva" Pedagogical High-School - Theology section - Timișoara, Romania (mixed); [[Church of Romania]]* [ Orthodox Theological Seminary], - Arad, Romania; [[Church of Romania]]*St. PetersburgCatherine Orthodox Theological Seminary - Prislop Monastery, Silvașu de Sus, Romania (monastic seminary for female students); [[Church of Romania]]*[ "Ioan Popasu" Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Caransebeș, Romania; [[Church of Romania]] ===Serbia===*[ Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade] - Belgrade, Serbia; [[Church of RussiaSerbia]]*[ Academy for Church Art and Conservation] - Belgrade; [[Church of Serbia]]*Saint Sava Orthodox Seminary in Belgrade; [[Church of Serbia]]*Saint Arsenius Sremac Orthodox Seminary in Sremski Karlovci; [[Church of Serbia]]*Saint Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Seminary in Nis; [[Church of Serbia]]*Saint John the Chrysostome Orthodox Seminary in Kragujevac; [[Church of Serbia]]
*[ St. John of Damascus Faculty of Theology], Balamand, Lebanon; [[Church of Antioch]]
* [[Kiev Theological Academy|Kiev Orthodox Theological Academy]], Kiev; [[Church of Russia]]
* Odesa Orthodox Theological seminary, Odessa; [[Church of Russia]]
* Pochayev Orthodox Theological Seminary, Pochayev; [[Church of Russia]]
* [ Poltava Orthodox Missionary School], Poltava; [[Church of Russia]]
== Russia ==
* Barnaul Theological College, Barnaul
* Cheboksary Theological College, Cheboksary
* Chelyabinsk Theological College, Chelyabinsk
* [ Belgorod Theological Seminary], -Belgorod; [[Church of Russia]]
* The Pastoral Preparatory Courses of thy Diocese of Izhevsk and Udmurtia, Izhevsk
* Kaluga Theological Seminary, Kaluga; [[Church of Russia]]
* [[Kazan Theological Academy|Kazan Theological Seminary]], Kazan []; [[Church of Russia]]
* Khabarovsk Theological Seminary [] -Khabarovsk; [[Church of Russia]]
* Kolomna Theological Seminary, Kolomna; [[Church of Russia]]
* Kostroma Theological Seminary,Kostroma [[Church of Russia]]
* Kursk Theological Seminary, Kursk [[Church of Russia]]
* [[Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary|Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy and Seminary]] -Moscow;
* Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary [], Nizhny Novgorod; [[Church of Russia]]
* Nizhny Novgorod Female Diocese College, Nizhny Novgorod
* Omsk Theological College, Omsk
* The Pastoral Courses of the Diocese of Perm and Solikamsk, Perm
* Pimen Orthodox Institute, (in Russian), St. Petersburg; [[Church of Russia]]
* Pskov Theological College, Pskov
* Ryazan Theological College, Ryazan
* Saint Cyrill and Methodius Theological College, Novokuznetsk
* [ Saint Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy] -St. Petersburg; [[Church of Russia]]
* [ Saint Tikhon Orthodox Theological Institute] - Moscow; [[Church of Russia]]
* Samara Theological Seminary, Samara
* Saransk Theological College, Saransk
* Saratov Theological Seminary, Saratov
* [ Stavropol Theological Seminary] - Stavropol; [[Church of Russia]]
* [ Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary] -Smolensk; [[Church of Russia]]
* Syktyvkar Theological College, Syktyvkar
* Tobolsk Theological Seminary, Tobolsk
* Tomsk Theological Seminary, Tomsk
* Vladimir Theological Seminary, Vladimir
* Vladivostok Theological College, Vladivostok
* Volgograd Theological College, Volgograd
* Vologda Theological College, Vologda
* Voronezh Theological Seminary, Voronezh
* Vyatka Theological College, Kirov
* Vyksa Theological College [], Vyksa
* Yaroslavl Theological College, Yaroslavl
* Yekaterinburg Theological College, Yekaterinburg
*[ Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Kottayam, Kerala, India [[Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church]].
*[ St.Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Nagpur, India; [[Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church]].
*[ Saint Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College] - Melbourne, Australia; [[Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia|Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions]]
*[ Pope Shenouda III Coptic Orthodox Theological College] - Sydney, Australia; [[Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia|Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions]]
===United States===
*[ St. Nersess Armenian Seminary] - New Rochelle, New York
*[ Pope Shenouda III Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary] - New Jersey and Los Angeles
*[ St. Athanasius Theological Seminary] - San Antonio, Texas; The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
===United Kingdom===
*[ St. Athanasius the Apostolic Coptic Theological College], Stevenage, UK
* [ Institut für Koptisch-Orthodoxe Theologie] im Kloster Kröffelbach (Coptic Orthodox Theological Institute, Waldsolms-Kröffelbach, Germany
[[Category:Educational Institutions]]
[[ro:Lista facultăţilor şi seminariilor de teologie ortodoxă]]
== References ==