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Talk:Isaac of Syria

463 bytes added, 02:17, February 21, 2009
The article does not say that St Isaac was a "Nestorian", although it does point out (rightly, I think) that he was a member of the Church of the East, and he did live after the "Nestorian Schism." I think the problem is in the use of the term "Nestorian" (a term for a particular heresy) for a Church whose theology is not heretical. --[[User:Fr Lev|Fr Lev]] 03:54, February 11, 2009 (UTC)
Yes, you're right the article doesn't call him a Nestorian. What I should have said is that it is not accurate to say St Isaac lived and died in a schismatic church, which would certainly make his veneration by the Orthodox a strange phenomenon. Rather, he died in the Persian Church of the East, which at the time was still in communion with the other Orthodox churches. Only later was communion broken. --[[User:Jgress|Jgress]] 02:17, February 21, 2009 (UTC)